IN Brentwood-Baldwin-Whitehall Winter 2019 | Page 44

Brentwood Maintains Great Credit Rating During Recent S&P Global Ratings Evaluation Although Brentwood has recently invested significant quantities of local funds into infrastructural improvement projects, municipal leadership has approached the spending of taxpayer dollars with a conservative, long-range prospective. During its recent evaluation of our financial operations, credit rating agency Standards & Poor’s rewarded this cautious approach by assigning an “AA-” rating to our impending refinancing of some Borough GO bonds. Reviewers noted that the Borough’s strong budgetary performance, whereby operational expenditures are consistency less than initial projections. The firm also cited the community’s substantial fund balance, which allows the flexible allocations of funds. The report also commends Brentwood for its use of financial management best practices, such as monthly budgetary reports, ten-year forecasts, a rolling capital THE RATING REFLECTS OUR OPINION OF THE FOLLOWING FACTORS FOR THE BOROUGH [BRENTWOOD], INCLUDING ITS: STRONG MANAGEMENT, WITH GOOD FINANCIAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES UNDER OUR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT (FMA) METHODOLOGY. improvement plan, and a formal debt management policy. This positive assessment reflects the hard work of elected officials and staff to delicately balance the need to direct funds to initiatives that will immediately improve the Borough while simultaneously ensuring that the municipality remains fiscally sustainable for future generations. They also stated an “upside scenario” by stating “we could raise the rating if, while all other factors hold stable, the Borough’s economic indicators improve to levels commensurate with those of higher rated peers.” REFUSE DISCOUNT PROGRAM AVAILABLE Brentwood Borough is pleased to offer its utility customers the opportunity to save nearly 17% on trash collection and recycling fees. Residents can receive twelve months of refuse service for the price of ten by enrolling in our prepayment discount program. To participate, customers must submit both the full amount listed on the combined utility bill and the prepayment total by February 5, 2020. Based upon a projected 2020 trash and recycling charge of $19 per month, it is estimated that the prepayment total will be equal to $171. For example, if a resident’s January bill amounts to $70, simply submit $70 +$171= $241 either through our lockbox P.O. address or via the electronic payment module hosted on the Borough Website. The refuse line item will be removed from all remaining 2020 utility invoices. Such payment will yield a savings of $38. Please note that customers are only eligible to participate if ALL delinquent sewage and refuse charges are satisfied by February 5, 2020. 42 BRENTWOOD-BALDWIN-WHITEHALL