NSNA Holds Summer Leadership U Conference Virtually for First Time Over 300 members and faculty attended NSNA ’ s Annual Summer Leadership U Conference on July 30-31 , 2020 . Usually held in NYC , the two-day meeting was held virtually for the first time allowing a more geographically diverse attendance . Sponsored by NSO , the meeting provided school and state chapter members , faculty , and other student leaders information about NSNA governance and activities . Attendees participated in breakout sessions , icebreakers , and Q & As . Keynote speaker Dr . Patricia Yoder-Wise , president of the National League for Nursing ( NLN ), inspired with her presentation on Leaping into Leadership . NSNA President Brandi Borden talked about her leadership journey with NSNA . A diverse panel of nursing leaders from Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn , NY , shared their expertise and leadership lessons learned from battling on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic . Overall , the meeting was a huge success ! If you missed the conference , you can purchase the recording here :
www . nsnasummerconference . org
Kenya D . Williams Appointed NSNA Deputy Executive Director National Student Nurses ’ Association ( NSNA ) is delighted to announce the appointment of Kenya D . Williams , EdD ( c ), MSN , RN , HSM , CAE , Director of Governance and Policy , to the position of Deputy Executive Director . As Deputy Executive Director , Williams will assist the Executive Director with strategic planning , governance , policy review and development . Williams will manage the organization in the absence of the executive director .
Williams , eager to get started in the new role , stated , “ During the past 13 years , I have had the honor of serving NSNA alongside dedicated student leaders , and staff under the mentorship of the Executive Director . I am excited to assist in leading the association forward as we continue to design innovative ways to develop future leaders for the nursing profession .” Williams added , “ I share NSNA ’ s core values of advocacy , leadership and autonomy , professionalism , care , and diversity . These values are the foundation of the organization ’ s mission .” [
Read full press release here …]
ICN Releases a Song for Nurses The International Council of Nurses ( ICN ) released a song for nurses everywhere to celebrate their incredible contribution to the health of the world . “ I am a Nurse ” is released as a tribute to the global nursing family and their steadfast commitment to the people they serve , especially in this extraordinary “ year of the nurse ,” amid a pandemic in which nurses are on the frontlines .
“ I am a Nurse ,” an uplifting song that ICN hopes will become the anthem for nurses everywhere , is available online to download from the usual music websites , including iTunes , Spotify , Google Play , etc .
The vocals were recorded by nurses from around the world , including the Tongan Nurses Choir , with each nurse recording themselves on their smart phones at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic .
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