Membership A World Of Opportunity
Kyle Loose Director and Chair , Membership Committee directore @ nsnainc . org
Welcome to the 2020-
2021 academic year ! The Membership Committee kicked off the summer with a June meeting over Zoom to prepare for a great year with NSNA . Committee members Emily Bruner , Andrea Romano and I decided on “ A World of Opportunity ” as our theme for 2020-2021 . We picked this theme because we want to focus on boosting membership and awareness of NSNA benefits . Our committee wishes to help keep members active by hosting virtual events that keep the membership involved and engaged . Students at all school , state , and national levels are responsible for the amazing activities and events that happen across the nation . We want students to get connected with each other and share their experience in NSNA . We want to see how schools and students across the country are collaborating and empowering each other to work on various issues . We want you all to know that your voices , opinions , and concerns matter .
Membership Recruitment Ideas NSNA recognizes that recruiting members is not an easy task , especially with this year ’ s events being held virtually . Here are some tips that might help you . Show potential members the student membership website page that answers the question , “ Why join NSNA as a Student ?” The top 10 reasons are a great introduction to why students value their membership . Highlight NSNA benefits you think your potential members would be interested in . For example , Imprint magazine , NSNA member-specific scholarship opportunities , partnership programs , discounts on products and services , and NSNA Leadership University — to name a few .
Explain your personal history with NSNA . Hearing a personal story can help encourage other students who are interested and is an easy and effective recruitment tool ! Was it a great experience at the MidYear Conference or Annual Convention that got you hooked ? How about an informative focus session you enjoyed , an article in Imprint , or a connection you made ? Sharing the reasons that got you involved can help get prospective members excited to become a part of the NSNA .
Order membership brochures and download the Guidelines for Membership Recruitment from the NSNA website . Provide membership brochures at orientation . Membership brochures are excellent handson tools for encouraging potential members to join NSNA . Order early so that you receive them in time for your orientation . Access the membership brochure order form on www . nsna . org under the Membership tab .
Get faculty involved ! Ask them to announce when and where you are having local chapter meetings via email or by announcements in class . Faculty members are some of your best resources — use them wisely !
Project lnTouch Project InTouch ( PIT ) is a program that offers rewards to NSNA members who are recruiting new members . PIT recruiters play a vital role in increasing membership . PIT recruiters receive special discounts , coupons and information to help recruit new members . The more members you recruit the more prizes you win ! Sign up and become a 2020-2021 Project InTouch Recruiter today ! Access the PIT Recruiter form under the Membership tab on the NSNA website .
8 NSNA IMPRINT n SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2020 n www . nsna . org