self-esteem and self-control , ultimately allowing you to perform at your upmost potential . It is important to identify the source of stress , whether it is clinicals or tests , to help identify ways to manage . There are numerous ways to cope with stress ; the difficulty lies in choosing the healthiest way to manage and reduce the induced stress . Let ’ s look into some of the healthiest ways to manage stress : relaxation therapy , yoga , exercise , aromatherapy , and positive self-care .
Stress-Relieving Tools for Nursing Students
By Theresa R . Lynch
Those heading into the direction of the nursing
profession need to be congratulated on their willingness to make immense sacrifices to help others . Without a doubt , nursing is the most challenging , yet most rewarding , career path one may choose . The biggest step of your future career is entering nursing school , but you may be surprised by the amount of stress and anxiety you will encounter .
The perplexing classroom and clinical hours , the studying demands , the rigor of the material , and the uncertainty of the future all play a role in the stress that is induced the moment you enter the door . Along with the stressful demands of the nursing program , the degree of social isolation and withdrawal from personal relationships can affect you immensely . Learning to care for patients holistically is imbedded in the nursing curriculum , but meanwhile you can risk losing the battle of selfpreservation . It ’ s like the meme , or phrase , where nursing students are labeled with the nursing diagnosis of Excessive stress related to chronic exams secondary to nursing school and evidenced by uncontrollable crying , extreme exhaustion , and hysteria .
Reducing stress will assist you on the pathway to personal success . Stress is any change that is perceived as a threat , challenge , or harm to the body ’ s normal functioning . Studies have shown that nursing students experience more stress than other students ( Michael , 2017 ). Managing this perceived threat will help improve
Relaxation therapy Relaxation therapy can help diminish stress-induced anxiety . When someone experiences anxiety , the body goes into “ street fighter ” mode with a rise in heart rate , increased blood pressure , and rapid respirations . One easy way to help lower these changes is to use deep breathing relaxation techniques , which allows the parasympathetic nervous system to slow everything back down ( Ariga , 2019 ). Relaxation breaths are slow , deep breaths that start by inhaling through your nose and exhaling slowly while mentally counting to relax your body and clear your mind .
Try taking relaxation breaths before an exam or before starting clinical for the day . Taking part in this relaxation therapy can allow you to regain self-control lost from anxiety even if you feel like your anxiety is driving the train . A part of relaxation therapy , guided imagery , allows the mind to take a mini “ vacay ” away from the stress . Guided imagery works on the body ’ s senses to redirect the negative emotional response triggered by anxiety ( Meghani , 2017 ). Before you set foot in the classroom on test days , imagine yourself on a beach listening to the waves , if that ’ s your thing .
Yoga Instantly , you think “ nobody has time for yoga ,” but truthfully , you do . Yoga is an opportunity to help relax the body and mind , whether using beginner or advanced stances . There are many benefits to yoga and it can be easily integrated into your schedule . Yoga serves many purposes ; there are plenty of workout types to try . Take the time on breaks during class to practice pranayama ( controlled breathing ) and a simple asana ( pose ). Better yet , practice with a buddy . Participate in yoga before or after class , or take a local class on the weekends before studying for a test . That way , when tempted to go out and skip schoolwork , you can say , “ Namaste in and study .” Do you catch my mantra ?
Exercise Being a yoga practitioner , or a yogi , may not fancy everyone ; traditional physical exercise , however , can fit all . Exercise can overall improve your sense of well-being , especially if you bring a friend with you . Even a walk around the block during breaks from class can help release built-up tension . If you begin to slowly introduce fitness and exercise into your schedule , it can become a healthy habit . Physical activity allows your body to work off stress and anxiety
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