that can become crippling . Even small sessions between classes can have an impact on reducing anxiety ( Kandola et al ., 2018 ).
Aromatherapy The essential oil craze is rampant right now but in reality , essential oils are ancient and been used around the world in every imaginable way . Aromatherapy can help on a physical and emotional level to balance the body and even boost your mood ( Cromer , 2018 ). Aromatherapy has two routes of absorption : inhalation and absorption through direct skin contact . From improving energy with citrus oils ( Cromer , 2018 ) to enhancing sleep and reducing stress with lavender ( Langley , 2018 ), the benefits of using oils are worth the effort of learning about them . Essential oils , although nontoxic , do carry some safety precautions and should be used with the necessary knowledge base . You can take a short course on oils used for stress relief . You can also visit the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy website ( www . naha . org ).
Me-Time With the exactness of studies in nursing school , it is vital for you to make time for yourself — that is , to create “ me-time .” Take a break from the demands of school to refresh yourself by watching that movie , reading that book , or spending time with family . Self-care is any activity that promotes your health ; it can prevent illness and can be done without the supervision of a provider ( Green , 2019 ). Although your definition of self-care may include a large iced coffee daily , keep in mind that your focus needs to be on adequate sleep and good nutrition .
You need to exert your best effort to succeed in school and nursing ; you cannot do that with a depressed and discontent outlook . Beat melancholy by doing something that you know will bring yourself some joy . Even the simple acts of listening to music or recalling happy memories can combat the blues . Nostalgic memories can inspire and motivate us and remind us that we can get past the bad times ( Huston , 2016 ). So , go for it ; belt out the lyrics to the Spice Girls ’ song , Wannabe , and apply the good energy back into your future .
These are just some simple , evidence-based techniques to help release the stress and anxiety that many students develop in school . Not only can you use these tips for yourself but you can share them with your patients as a student and as a nurse when the need arises for the patients that you will care for some day . Take these simple tricks of the trade to relieve anxiety and stress so you can do your best . If you are in it to win it — and by win it , I mean graduate — you have to take care of yourself as well as your patients .
Lastly , some worldly advice : Do not compare yourself to others on social media . Positive affirmations are important in helping you accomplish your goals ( Green ,
2019 ). Avoid focusing on “ Becky with the great hair ”; instead , focus on giving yourself positive self-affirming statements — for example , “ I will pass this test .” Exhale negativity , inhale positivity . n
References Ariga , R . A . ( 2019 ). Decrease anxiety among students who will do the objective structured clinical examination with deep breathing relaxation technique . Open Access Maced J Med Sci , 7 ( 16 ), 2619-2622 . doi : 10.3889 / oamjms . 2019.409
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Huston , M . ( 2016 ). Believe in yesterday . Psychology Today , 49 ( 3 ), 9 .
Kandola , A ., Vancampfort , D ., Herring , M ., Rebar , A ., Hallgren , M ., Firth , J ., & Stubbs , B . ( 2018 ). Moving to beat anxiety : Epidemiology and therapeutic issues with physical activity for anxiety . Curr Psychiatric Rep , 20 ( 8 ), 63 . doi : 10.1007 / s11920-018-0923-x
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Theresa R . Lynch , MSN , RN , ONC , is a nursing instructor at Margaret H . Rollins School of Nursing at Beebe Healthcare , Lewes , DE , teaching fundamentals and foundations of nursing in the classroom and clinical setting . Theresa graduated from the school ( formerly known as Beebe School of Nursing ) in 2010 , and started her career at the affiliated hospital . Before becoming an instructor , her clinical background consisted of orthopedic , medical-surgical , and bariatric patients , as well as outpatient orthopedic home care services . She serves as a board member on the School ’ s Alumni Association and other committees for the school .