door-to-door canvassing , and public voter drives — have become unavailable . According to Leah Rodriguez ( 2020 ) writing for the Global Citizen , many states have seen a decline in voter registration by as much as 75 %; this can be detrimental to the U . S . which already ranks as one of the lowest developed democracies in terms of voter turnout .
Now , here is the question : How can NSNA members aid in running virtual voter drives to increase voter registration ?
Below are a few reliable online resources that can help you lead and increase voter registration in your community through the virtual world :
www . dosomething . org is a not-for-profit digital platform for young people interested in civic action and social change . The website allows anyone to register to vote in as little as two minutes . It also allows individuals to personalize their very own voter registration webpage , highlighting any social issues they choose . This personalized voter registration webpage can be shared on Facebook or Instagram .
• OutVote is an app for Android and iPhone devices that allows you to engage with other community leaders who are trying to push the importance of voter registration while focusing on local issues in the community .
It is much easier than many assume to start a voter drive and take action in your community . Our leadership starts now !
Why Voting is Important — Andrea Romano Politics is often a messy topic that many turn away from talking about . It ’ s easy to feel too caught up in nursing school and our personal lives to involve ourselves with politics . However , this is a monumental election year , and the issues at stake affect each one of us . Just as important , these issues can affect the healthcare system , the nursing profession , and our patients . One of the first lessons I learned about being a nurse is to treat our patients as if they were our own family members . It is important to remember that when we vote we are also voting on behalf of our patients .
In 2018 , the current administration , through the U . S . Department of Health and Human Services , ruled that healthcare providers can cite personal beliefs to deny care to those in the LGBTQ community ( Human Rights Campaign , 2020 ). As NSNA members , we have passed several resolutions in support of the LGBTQ community . Voting can protect these vulnerable groups and populations and help us implement our resolutions . Climate change , COVID-19 , the funding of education , and the Black Lives Matter movement are just a few other issues that we have the chance to affect through voting .
In addition to being aware of global and national issues , research your local council members and elected officials because your vote in local elections can affect budgets and legislation that make a big impact on your community ’ s social determinants of health .
Think critically about the issues , just as you think critically in practice . Then , vote nationally and locally based on what you stand for . Never doubt that you can make a difference . n
Nikule Abel is the 2020-2021 NSNA Director and chair of the Health Policy and Advocacy Committee . She currently attends the University of Nevada Las Vegas , Las Vegas , NV .
Nicholas Fullmer is a 2020-2021 NSNA Director and a member of the Health Policy and Advocacy Committee . He currently attends Indiana University East , Richmond , IN .
Andrea Romano is the 2020-2021 NSNA Imprint Editor and a member of the Health Policy and Advocacy Committee . She currently attends Villanova University , Villanova , PA