Imperial Tobacco The Imperialist 3 | Page 15

#Brands | Davidoff A HUNTING SEASON WITH DAVIDOFF 1 ST PLACE NATALIA KLEPIKOVA, Promotion Specialist, St. Petersburg I n November 2017, Davidoff launched a new limited edition – Hunter’s Passion. Hunter’s Passion cigarettes are the choice of sophisticated connoisseurs and hunters who set their bar high and pursue their targets to the end, whatever the cost. The new product stands out of the product line with its bright and provocative design in contrast colours. The passionate red and the noble metal gold make a striking combination with the pack’s dominant black background. To support the launch, the Brand Activation and Planning Department developed a string of events for a selected list of cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Rostov- on-Don. All points of sale in the proposed coverage area received a set of POS materials to spread brand awareness and highlight the product on the shelf. For promotion, we also used the “free gift with purchase” and “pack swap” mechanisms, as well as other promotional strategies! The product was listed in the O’key retail chain in Moscow, which ran a shopper consulting promotional campaign in February. The strongest emotional response was generated by our in-house photo competition for employees, Impression Hunter. The competition was open to any employee who posted a picture on their social network pages. The three best “hunters” with the highest number of likes won their trophies – gifts from the Davidoff brand. The winner got tickets to a live performance of the legendary Depeche Mode. The other two prizes included tickets to the Revenants Immersive Show, the latest trend in theatrical development, for the runner up and a gift certificate for dinner at a popular restaurant chain for the third place. HUNTER’S PASSION CIGARETTES ARE THE CHOICE OF SOPHISTICATED CONNOISSEURS AND HUNTERS WHO SET THEIR BAR HIGH AND PURSUE THEIR TARGETS TO THE END, WHATEVER THE COST 2 ND PLACE OLGA TSUTSKOVA, Sales Activation Coordinator, Moscow 3 RD PLACE DANILA VOROBYEV, Sales Representative, St. Petersburg The Империалист |  | 15