Imperial Tobacco The Imperialist 1 Engl | Page 23

#Projects OUR GRADUATES LEARN TO BUILD RELATIONSHIPS IN AN INTERNATIONAL TEAM, COMMUNICATE AND COOPERATE EFFECTIVELY TO ATTAIN COMMON GLOBAL OBJECTIVES at Imperial Tobacco – the atmosphere here was simply incredible. I felt it most strongly in the Assessment Center, when all of us got together to discuss the most interesting cases. I felt that with a team like that I would be able to fully realize my potential." Aidana Esengulova, Graduate Program participant from Almaty. "I visited the Imperial Tobacco website and was really excited by the opportunity to build an international career offered by the company. All the doors are wide open for you; you can choose any country and develop a career that you really want." Gleb Usachev, Graduate Program participant from Moscow. When the selection process is completed, the two most successful candidates are invited to take part in the two-year program. It should be noted that our company offers a program that is unique for Russia, where graduates can study our business in depth and select the most interesting area for future professional development and personal fulfillment. "The Program offers four rotations in different departments, during which participants are exposed to an invaluable variety of experience, can try themselves in different roles and communicate with seasoned professionals and market experts. Each rotation lasts six months. This period gives graduates a chance to deeply study the operations of each department, learn about its specific requirements, understand the main objectives and try their hand at attaining them, and, most importantly, assess whether this is an area in which they would like to develop professionally and personally. The combination of departments may vary depending on individual preferences of each program participant," explains Galina Ptashkina, Head of HR Russia and CA Cluster. "My first rotation was in Sales Department where I worked as a sales representative. At first I found it hard to imagine myself in a car loaded with bulky equipment, visiting retail outlets, especially as I was the only girl in a team of 30 men. It was rather difficult, but I was aware that it was just a stage, and a challenge that I had to face in order to gain an insider understanding of the company’s inner workings," says Aidana. "My second rotation was a business development job, and the third one was with the I&I Department, as a logical progress of my personal program. When the program was over, I was offered a permanent employment contract and now I work at Imperial Tobacco. Bingo!’ Vera Scherbakova, Trade Segmentation and Profitability Analyst, Moscow, former Graduate Program participant. "I am currently doing my third rotation, working with the Marketing and Sales team. I find this function the most interesting so far, and hope to show my worth and be useful both to my colleagues in Marketing and to the company in general.’ Dmitry Bakharev, Graduate Program participant from Moscow. "At the final stage of the program, our graduates present a global project in cooperation with program participants from other countries. This assignment teaches them to build relationships in an international team, communicate and cooperate effectively to attain common global objectives," says Elena Goikolova, HR Manager for Central Asia. COMMON CANDIDATE SELECTION SYSTEM • CV screening; • tests; • telephone interview; • office interview; • assessment session, which includes team brainstorming, sales role games and individual presentation assignments. "My team included participants from Spain, Germany, the UK and Turkey. They were all five-star guys with serious backgrounds from the world’s top universities. The key idea of the project is not just to give us understanding of this market. It’s more about communicating, an opportunity to share knowledge and learn new skills. After the project, it has become much easier to work together with our colleagues both on local and international levels," says Gleb Usachev. When the program is over and the global projects have been successfully presented, HR screens the Group for open vacancies, analyzes feedback from managers of the departments to which program participants have been rotated and makes permanent job offers based on the above information and personal wishes of each participant. "The program is really very, very cool. I have not seen such an example of corporate culture anywhere. The company is totally open, it encourages you to show the best of yourself, to work together with other program participants and receive feedback at all levels. For example, I’ve received feedback from my team manager, my international manager, as well as from colleagues from HR and other departments," says Gleb Usachev. The Империалист |  | 23