IM SEPTEMBER 23 September 23 | Page 21


The remote realities

Aggreko carried out a thorough analysis of the power requirements of the entire Davyhurst site in Western Australia , estimating a total of 8 MW would be needed , which could be supplied by five LNG gas generators and two diesel generators
Remote mine developments show no signs of slowing down , so it is hardly surprising the services and solutions for these sites continues to expand . Dan Gleeson examines the expanding number of options miners are considering for these secluded assets

Mining is only going to get more remote as the search for commodities to fuel the electrification of industry continues unabated .

Yet , even with this urgent need to find more mines , the vision of a geologist being helicoptered in for a summer season , cut off from the rest of the world for weeks on end as they explore new geological frontiers , no longer represents a reality .
With an abundance of new communication network options , it is easier than ever to stay ‘ connected ’ to head offices across the globe , uploading and downloading relevant information to accelerate decision making in the field . This makes it that much easier to operate in these ‘ remote ’ locations . Take power generation , for instance . On top of diesel generators energising remote mines , there are now low- and no-carbon solutions coming to the fore that are modular , sustainable and not reliant on grid access .
This is opening opportunities for mine sites to change the power dynamic , skipping the fossilfuel based ‘ interim ’ steps they used to rely on as first movers and setting the site up for sustainable generation .
Power to the people
In an exploration project on the Quebec-Ontario border , Aggreko , a leading provider of mobile and modular power solutions , has been looking to do exactly this , having successfully deployed a power solution using its virtual pipeline power approach .
The solution enabled Labyrinth Resources Limited to complete a challenging mining exploration project while reducing CO 2 emissions and fuel costs , according to the company .
Labyrinth needed remote power for a fivemonth gold mining exploration project in a location where no grid power was available . In addition to extremely low temperatures experienced at site , the high cost of diesel fuel was a concern . Labyrinth needed a portable power solution that would operate in the site ’ s harsh environment and use a more economical fuel source .
Aggreko assessed the need and conditions and recommended a virtual pipeline power system to deliver compressed natural gas ( CNG ). The company set up a CNG power plant by installing two 300 kW natural gas generators and a 60 kW diesel generator to deal with peak loads . The virtual pipeline approach facilitated
smoother delivery of CNG by way of 48 ft ( 14.6 m ) containers trucked to the site .
During its five-month operation , the Aggreko virtual pipeline power solution reduced CO 2 emissions by approximately 75 tons ( 68 tonnes ) versus diesel generators , reduced NOx emissions by 10 tons and saved over $ 300,000 in fuel costs . This allowed the customer to put more resources into exploration itself , with a significant reduction in emissions to meet local regulations and avoid fines , Aggreko says .
Steve Stafford , Sales Leader for Manufacturing and Mining at Aggreko North America , said : “ The mining industry is undergoing an energy transition as it moves towards integrating renewable and alternative fuel solutions . The Aggreko virtual pipeline power solution allowed the customer to get the job done faster , more cost-effectively and with a significant reduction in emissions .”
Aggreko is providing such solutions across remote mines in Asia Pacific too .
For example , Aggreko was called in by Ora Banda Mining at its Davyhurst gold mine , in Western Australia , as the mine developer – and now operator – was looking for a power station .
The facility in question needed to power the processing plant , administration complex , exploration and core processing facilities , main mine camp , underground mining offices and primary communications facilities .
Given the large capital expenditure associated with building a big enough power station on its own , and the fact Ora Banda ’ s expertise lies in
SEPTEMBER 2023 | International Mining 19