IM SEPTEMBER 23 September 23 | Page 20

ever deeper and the conditions in terms of ventilation continue to become more challenging – we are in the middle of an ongoing discussion with them about battery machines as an alternative . Even from a running cost point of view including service , maintenance etc the bolter showed savings of 70 % per bolt compared to a standard diesel machine , a lot of which is related to much reduced diesel engine service time .
The FLP-1410 – an autonomous first for low profile rigs
IM saw some final outdoor testing of the world ’ s first low profile rig equipped with full autonomy ; in this case Mine Master ’ s ADS which offers consistency in drilling and drill patterns for lower overbreak , plus less component wear and tear and so lower running costs . The first machine is destined for Zimbabwe where it will go for testing to Unki platinum mine , part of Anglo American . This mine already operates the non-autonomous equivalent rig , the FLP-1400 , the newest version of which is automation ready so could be upgraded to an FLP-1410 with the addition of the right sensors and other equipment . Additionally , the current system makes it possible for one operator to manage two machines – moving to the second once the set up process is complete .
A Challenges included getting all the necessary components into a limited space on the machine which is already very low profile – only 1.4 m in height . Then Mine Master had to install all the ADS elements including sensors and pins and integrate them with the machine hydraulic system . This includes the magnetic sensors in the pins themselves for angle measurement , plus hydraulic rock drill , feeder and boom extension hydraulic flow meters and finally machine proximity sensors to avoid collisions . In this machine a Level 9 ready system from Becker Mining is used .
The process starts with a new face , where some navigation by the operator is needed to match the position of the virtual face with the real face . The operator positions the machine with the front platform horizontally , in both axes . They then have to retract the boom extension and the frame
The autonomous FLP-1410 low profile drill rig during tests at Mine Master ’ s Wilkow factory
extension to the starting position . The next step is to select the drilling pattern and the drilling depth . The operator ties the machine to a reference point on the face to which the working unit now aligns itself and its blast pattern . Then the machine switches to automatic mode and starts its calculation for the first hole . The algorithm calculates how to reach the first hole from the current boom position . The point that is currently being drilled is highlighted in green on the monitor and the machine continues to work without input from the operator . IM