ILOTA - The Communique 2021 - Issue 2 - Final 072621 | Page 13


General Assembly Wraps Up ( sort of )

Facing unique circumstances , the Illinois General Assembly still had a very busy session . The Governor is in his third year , Senate President Harmon in his second year and Speaker Welch in his first year . There are new staff members , and they are working within unprecedented conditions . In person meetings were not allowed , outreach was limited , and communication was challenging . They still managed to get many things done .
Nearly 7,000 separate bills were introduced in this first year of the 102nd General Assembly , with 664 ( so far ) passing both chambers and heading to the Governor . Most of the major initiatives were not voted on until the last day of the session , with over 500 bills passing during the final week of session . They are likely to reconvene in the coming weeks to deal with energy legislation . And sometime after census results are received , they will return to Springfield to create the Congressional maps and determine how to create a map with one less member of congress .

Telehealth Legislation Headed to the Governor

Telehealth legislation , House Bill 3308 , heads to Governor Pritzker ’ s desk for his signature after receiving unanimous approval of the legislature on the final day of spring session . This codifies into law many telehealth services that were covered by executive order during the pandemic .
Proponents have cited the benefits telehealth has demonstrated during the pandemic showing virtual care as time-saving and convenient . Illinoisans can continue to access critically needed care beyond the pandemic regardless of transportation , scheduling barriers , and with less stigma or risk to safety .
Under this legislation , health insurance plans regulated by the state would be required to cover and reimburse for telehealth and in-person services at the same level .
The bill would extend the payment parity requirement indefinitely for mental health and substance use disorder services and through the end of 2027 for all other types of health care . The bill would allow health insurers to negotiate future contracts with employers in which telehealth and in-person rates no longer would be the same .
Because of federal regulations , the legislation would not apply to self-insured plans , which cover about half of Illinoisans . The bill also would not apply to Medicaid since Medicaid currently pays the same rates for telehealth as for in-person care . The Department of Human Services expects to codify their current telehealth provisions through Administrative Rule .

Next Steps for Bills Passed During Session

The General Assembly has 30 days to send the passed bills to the Governor . The Governor then has 60 days to act ( sign , veto or amendatory veto .) If the Governor does not act the bill automatically becomes law . The Governor ’ s action will be done by late August .

State Passes Budget

At about 3 a . m . Monday night / Tuesday morning lawmakers passed a $ 42.3 billion state budget plan for the upcoming fiscal year . The budget was helped immensely by better-than-expected revenue growth the past few months as well as a significant infusion of federal money .
Key Priority Investments
• Additional $ 350 million for K-12 education , bringing the total to $ 9.2 billion .
Illinois Occupational Therapy Association | 2021 ISSUE 1 12