ILOTA - The Communique 2021 - Issue 2 - Final 072621 | Page 14

• $ 7.7 Billion in federal funds to schools
• $ 28.2 million more for MAP grants to $ 479.6M for need based college financial aid
• $ 3.4B for Child Care Assistance Program ( CCAP )
• $ 170 million in additional investment in services for people with developmental disabilities
• Fully funds FY22 pension contribution of $ 9.4 billion
The budget calls for repaying $ 2 billion the state borrowed to make up for losses incurred from the pandemic . The budget also prioritized paying down the backlog of the state ’ s bills , which had reached $ 17 billion a few years ago but now stands at $ 3.2 billion . $ 2.5 billion of the first round of the federal ARPA ( American Rescue Plan Act ) funds were also included in the budget . The General Assembly plans to meet during the summer to consider the best way to spend the remaining nearly $ 6 billion .

Maureen Mulhall , ILOTA Lobbyist

Maureen Mulhall has been an independent contract lobbyist for over 25 years , after a 13- year career in state government with a focus on legislative affairs .

Matt Maloney

Matt Maloney has a wealth of experience in issue advocacy and regulatory affairs in his 25 + year career . He began his career as a communication and policy expert for the Illinois House of Representatives and has cultivated relationships with government officials at the local , state and federal level .
13 Illinois Occupational Therapy Association | 2021 ISSUE 1