IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 51

g) If a player or goalkeeper illegally enters the game and interferes with a player of the opposing team possession of the puck, who has no opponent between him and the goalkeeper, the Referee shall award to the non-offending team a: Penalty Shot (PS) h) If, when the opposing goalkeeper has been removed from the ice, a player illegally enters the game and interferes with a player of the opposing team in possession of the puck, the Referee shall award to the non-offending team a: Goal Where an injury has occurred to a player and there is a stoppage of play, a team doctor (or designate) may go onto the ice to attend to the injured player without waiting for the Referee to wave him onto the ice 565 - TEAM OFFICIALS LEAVING THE PLAYERS BENCH Any team official who goes on the ice during any period without the permission of the Referee shall be assessed a: Game Misconduct penalty 566 - REFUSING TO (GM) START PLAY - TEAM ON THE I CE a) If, when both teams are on the ice and one team refuses to play for any reason when ordered to do so by the Referee, the Referee shall warn the Captain and allow to the team so refusing 30 seconds to begin the game or resume play. b) If at the end of that time the team still refuse to play, the Referee shall assess a: Bench Minor penalty (2’) c) If there be a recurrence of the same incident, the Referee will declare the game forfeited to the non-offending team and the case shall be reported to the Proper Authorities for further actions. 567 - REFUSING TO START PLAY - TEAM NOT ON THE I CE a) If a team, which is not on the ice, fails to go on the ice to start playing when ordered by the Referee through the Captain, Manager or Coach, the Referee shall allow to the refusing team two minutes. b) If the team resumes play within these two minutes, it shall be assessed a: Bench Minor penalty (2’) c) If, at the end of that time the team still fails to go on the ice, the Referee shall declare the game forfeited to the non-offending team and the case shall be reported by the Referee to the Proper Authorities immediately following the game for further actions. 568 - THROWING A STICK OR ANY OBJECT OUT OF THE PLAYING AREA Any player or goalkeeper who throws a stick, part of it, or any other object out of the playing area shall be assessed a: Game Misconduct penalty 100 (GM) 101