IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 52

When a player or goalkeeper discards the broken portion of a stick by tossing it to the side of the rink (and not over the boards) in such a way not to interfere with play or opposing player, no penalty will be imposed for so doing. The position of the puck or puck carrier at the moment when a stick or any part of it or any object is thrown or shoots or directed (with any part of body) by the opposing player or team official in the direction of the puck or puck carrier is the determinate factor to assess a Minor Penalty or a Bench Minor penalty to a Team Official or award a Penalty shot. When the goalkeeper has been removed from the ice refer to item e) of this rule. 569 - THROWING A STICK OR ANY OBJECT WITHIN THE PLAYING AREA a) Any player or goalkeeper on the ice or on the bench or team official, who shoots or throws a stick or any part of it or any object or who directs (with any part of his body) a stick or any part of it, or any object in the direction of the puck or puck carrier in his attacking zone or in the neutral zone shall be assessed a: Minor penalty or Bench Minor penalty (2’) (2’) NEW b) If any player, goalkeeper or team official commits any of the actions described in section a) of this rule in his defending zone, the Referee shall award to the non-offending team a: P