IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 50

The object of this rule is to keep the puck in play continuously and any action by the goalkeeper which causes an unnecessary stoppage of play shall be penalized. 560 - HANDLING THE PUCK WITH HANDS BY A GOALKEEPER a) Unless he is being pressured a goalkeeper who holds the puck more than three seconds shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) b) If a goalkeeper throws the puck forward and the puck is first played by a team- NEW mate, the Referee will immediately blow the whistle to stop the play and an end zone face-off will be held c) A goalkeeper who deliberately drops the puck into his pads shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) 561 - INTERFERENCE WITH SPECTATORS A player who physically interferes with a spectator shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Match penalty (MP) 562 - PLAYERS LEAVING 1. If a player shall illegally enter the game from his own player's bench or from the penalty bench by his own error or the error of the Penalty Bench Atten [