IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 49

FALLING ON THE PUCK BY A GOALKEEPER c) If the opposing goalkeeper has been removed from the ice and a player deliberately falls on, holds or gathers the puck into his body when the puck is in the goal crease of his team, the Referee shall award to the non-offending team a: Goal 558 - FALLING ON THE PUCK BY A GOALKEEPER a) If a goalkeeper, whose body is entirely outside the goal crease, and when the puck is behind the goal line or beyond the two lines on each side of the face-off circles, deliberately falls on or gathers the puck into his body, or holds or places the puck against any part of the goal or the boards, he shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) b) If the goalkeeper falls or gathers the puck into his body in the area between the goal line and the hash marks (as shown on the diagram) unless he is being pressed, he shall be assessed a: Minor penalty 559 - HANDLING No Goal shall be awarded if the puck was batted by an attacking player with the hand, even if it deflects off any player or goalkeeper or the sticks of the players or goalkeeper of either team or official. THE PUCK (2’) WITH THE HANDS BY A PLAYER a) A player shall be permitted to stop or bat a puck in the air with his open hand or push NEW it along the ice with his hand and the play shall not be stopped unless in the opinion of referee he has deliberately directed the puck to a teammate or has allowed his team to gain an advantage in any zone other than the defending zone in which case the play shall be stopped and a face off conducted (See Rule 490). Play will not be stopped for any hand pass by players in their own defending zone. b) A player shall be permitted to catch the puck out of the air but must immediately place NEW it or knock it down to the ice. If he catches it and skate with it either to avoid a check or to gain a territorial advantage over his opponent he shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) for "closing his hand on the puck" c) Any player, except the goalkeeper, who picks up the puck from the ice with hands shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) d) If any defending player, except the goalkeeper, picks up the puck with his hands from the ice in his goal crease, the Referee shall award to the non-offending team a: Penalty Shot (PS) e) If the goalkeeper is not on the ice as in d) above, the Referee shall award to the nonoffending team a: Goal 96 97