IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 48

e) If a team has requested the measurement of any equipment of the opposing team and if the complaint is sustained the offending player shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) f) If a team has requested the measurement of any equipment of the opposing team and if the complaint is not sustained the team shall be assessed a Bench Minor penalty (2’) g) A player on the ice whose helmet comes off during play, who does not return to his NEW bench immediately but continues to play shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) 1. A ”broken stick” is one which, in the opinion of the Referee, is unfit for normal play. 556 - BROKEN STICK 2. A player without a stick may participate in the game. a) A player or goalkeeper whose stick is broken shall not receive a stick thrown onto NEW the ice, but may receive a stick from a teammate on the ice at the time without proceeding to his player bench. 3. Penalties assessed under this rule shall be announced as "Minor Penalty for Illegal Substitution of the Stick". b) If a player or goalkeeper whose stick is broken, does not immediately drop the broken NEW portions and continue to play, he shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) c) If the goalkeeper goes to the player bench during a stoppage of play to replace his stick, and then returns back to resume play, he shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) However, if the goalkeeper is changed for the substitute goalkeeper, no penalty shall be assessed. d) The goalkeeper is allowed to go to the player bench and change his stick when the play is in progress. e) If a player participates in the play while taking a replacement stick to a player or goalkeeper, he shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) f) If a player, whose stick is broken receives a stick during play from a team mate in the NEW penalty bench, the receiving player shall be assessed: Minor penalty A player who drops on the ice to block a shot should not be penalized if the puck is shot under him or becomes lodged in his clothing or equipment, but any use of the hands to make the puck unplayable shall be penalized. 557 - FALLING ON THE (2’) PUCK BY A PLAYER a) If a player, other than the goalkeeper, who deliberately falls on, holds or gathers the puck into his body, he shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) b) If a defending player, other than the goalkeeper, deliberately falls on, holds or gathers the puck into his body when the puck is in the goal crease of his team, the Referee shall award to the non-offending team a: Penalty Shot 94 (PS) 95