IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 47

1. This penalty shall be announced as a "Bench Minor Penalty for the Delay of the Game - Face - Off Violation". 554 g) - VIOLATION OF FACE-OFF PROCEDURES a) When a player has been removed from the face-off by an official and another player of the same team delays taking up his proper position after a “Warning” , his team shall be assessed a: Bench Minor penalty (2’) b) When a player not taking the face-off enters the face-off circle before the puck is dropped, the player on his team taking the face-off shall be removed and replaced. For the second violation during the same face-off, the offending team shall be assessed a: Bench Minor penalty 1. This penalty shall be announced as a "Bench Minor Penalty for the Delay of the Game - Line Up Violation". 554 h) - LATE LINE-UP If a team after the end of an intermission does not line up on the ice surface a required number of players to start a period including overtime, the team shall be assessed a: Bench Minor penalty 1. The guilty player shall not be allowed to participate in the game until the illegal equipment has been corrected or removed. 2. Penalties assessed under this rule shall be announced as "Delay of the Game Illegal or Dangerous Equipment". (2’) 555 - ILLEGAL OR (2’) DANGEROUS EQUIPMENT a) A player or goalkeeper who: 1. Wears his equipment or visor in a way that may cause an injury to an opponent. 2. Wears any non approved equipment. 3. Uses or wears illegal or dangerous skates, sticks or equipment. 4. Does not wear his equipment, except gloves, head protection and goalkeeper’s leg guards, entirely under his uniform. 5. A player who wears a glove in play from which all or part of the palm has been removed or cut to permit the use of bare hand. Shall be ruled off the ice and a “Warning” shall be issued to his team. b) The referee can request that a player or goalkeeper remove any personal accessories should, in the discretion of the Referee, the personnel accessory worn during a game be regarded as dangerous for this player and other participants. If these personnel accessory are difficult to remove then the player or goalkeeper should tape the personnel accessory or put the item safety under the jersey in such way that they no longer be dangerous. In this case the player or goalkeeper shall be ruled off the ice and a warning shall be issued to his team. c) For a second violation by any player or goalkeeper of the same team for any offence of this rule, the Referee shall assess to the offending player or goalkeeper a: Misconduct penalty (10’) d) If a player or goalkeeper refuses to surrender or destroys his stick or any part of his equipment for measurement when requested by the Referee, this equipment shall be regarded as illegal and the player or goalkeeper shall be assessed a: Minor penalty + Misconduct penalty 92 (2’+10’) 93