IIC Journal of Innovation 12th Edition | Page 18

Digital Twin + Industrial Internet for Smart Manufacturing: A Case Study in the Steel Industry quality, productivity, delivery time, etc.) and optimization (e.g. achieving zero-inventory on-demand production). In summary, the key to the industrial internet, including its applications in a manufacturing setting, is how to implement data-driven optimization via the data, analytics (model) and closed-loop application to solve specific problems in various industrial scenarios.  A PPLYING THE I NDUSTRIAL I NTERNET FOR S MART M ANUFACTURING Applying the core idea of the industrial internet in a manufacturing environment requires data, analytics and application in the following ways:   A RCHITECTURAL AND S YSTEMATIC C HALLENGES Manufacturing systems are complex systems, often involving a large number of interconnected equipment and many intertwining processes working in concert. For example, in a typical setting in the iron and steel industry, a continuing process manufacturing sector, a steel plant has a long and complex end-to-end production process consisting of many sub-processes including sintering, ironmaking (blast furnace), steelmaking (converter), continuous casting, heat treatment, hot rolling, cold rolling and strip processing. Each of these sub-processes operates dozens of various equipment pieces in a complex production process. Furthermore, these processes run at various rhythms and paces ranging from a continuous process at an early stage (e.g. iron making) to a discrete process at a later stage (e.g. striping). Through the end-to-end production process, there are intertwined Data is about connecting to the various types of equipment and systems—including PLCs, SCADA, DCS and PCS—and other manufacturing software systems, such as MES, QMS, ERP and PLM, to collect data about the production material and parts, the products as they are being manufactured, the production equipment and processes, the workers, the product design and the business processes. Analytics (Model) include building and applying various analytic models to analyze the data and gain insights about the operational states of the equipment and production processes. The depth of the analytics increases from descriptive (e.g. what happens in remote monitoring), diagnostic (e.g. understanding why it happens), IIC Journal of Innovation predictive (what and when it will happen) and prescriptive (how to respond to a predicted event)—and the analytics have become more sophisticated. Application involves implementing business logic that transforms the insights from the analytics into optimal decisions and actions, either providing recommendations of action to the operators (humans in the loop) or directly instruct the systems to complete the closed feedback loop of optimization in the production processes. - 13 -