Did You
Modesty at its Best
Just before she leaves the
security of her home, she looks
in the mirror at her reflection
and ensures she is properly
covered in a manner which is
pleasing to her Lord She adjusts
her hijab and makes sure it is
drawn over her bosom area and
then smiles secretly to herself,
pleased. As she walks out the door,
she draws her abaya close and feels
the security and warmth it brings,
knowing she is protecting her body
from the unwanted glances and
stares. He wistfully walks past the
many strangers in the streets, who
he protects his glances from as he
lowers his gaze and smiles secretly
to himself, knowing he is obeying
his Lord.”
These displays of Hayaa, (modesty,
and shyness) bring a happiness
and contentment from Allah
(AWJ), which only the believers
can experience. A happiness found
only in the obedience of Allah
(AWJ) during our trying times
when modesty is frowned upon
and lewdness and
lack of shame
is praised
and held
in high
Hayaa may be translated as
modesty, shyness, self-respect,
bashfulness, shame, honour or
humility. It is an attribute which
pushes the believer to avoid
anything distasteful or abominable.
It is this attribute of Hayaa that
causes us as believers to be dutiful
to Allah (AWJ) in all of our affairs,
being fearful and having shyness
towards disobeying Allah by
committing sins. Hayaa dictates for
us the manner in which we should
behave, in the way we should dress,
interact with others, and even how
we should worship Allah (staying
away from sins is also a means of
worshipping Allah because we are
obeying his commands).
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the
Prophet (SAS) said, “Faith (Belief) consists
of more than sixty branches (i.e. parts).
And Haya is a part of faith.” [Sahih Al
The importance of Hayaa in our lives
is so great, that it is mentioned by
Allah and His Rasool in both the
Qur’an and in many ahadith. Allah
(AWJ) loves those who display this
beautiful trait of Hayaa in their lives,
not only outwardly but also inwardly.
He commands us when He says;
“Say to the believing men that they should
lower their gaze and guard their modesty:
that will make for greater purity for them:
and Allah is well acquainted with all that
they do. And say to the believing women
that they should lower their gaze and
guard their modesty; that they should
not display their beauty and ornaments
except what (must ordinarily) appear
thereof; that they should draw their veils
over their bosoms and not display their
beauty..” [Surah An Nur]
14 | Ihsaan | Issue 1
Modesty is part of faith,
and that part of faith
must lie in the heart
How then can we disobey a direct
command from our Rabb, Allah,
Most High, knowing that when He
commands us with anything it is
for our own benefit and success? As
Muslims, especially for our young
Muslim brothers and sisters, we
should feel honoured and pleased
that Allah (AWJ) has chosen a way
or us to be protected and raised
in rank by having Hayaa, and not
be caught up in the glitter and
glamour of society that preaches
to us to expose ourselves, our sins
and our shortcomings. Are these
not the whisperings and deceptions
of Shaytaan the accursed? Indeed!
Shaytaan wants for nothing more
than for us to disobey Allah; and
certainly a means of bringing about
this disobedience is by placing us
in situations and around people
who can encourage us to behave
in ways completely opposite to
the commands of Allah. It is very
easy in these times of trials and
tribulations especially for our
Muslims sisters to want to remove
the hijab and abaya to simply fit
into society and not be left out. It
is easy for our Muslim brothers
to want to go to the clubs and the
parties, shave their beards and be
with the opposite sex just to fit
in. However, Allah has promised
us better than everything in this
worldly life if we obey Him and
follow His commands and the
Sunnah of our beloved Messenger
Muhammad (SAS). Allah (AWJ)
“But you prefer this worldly life, while
the Hereafter is better and more lasting..”
[Surah Al-A’la]