Ihsaan Magazine August 2016 | Page 15

General required to strike out being complacent and lethargic and become a vigorous contender in the competition of good deeds . Tiring and costly , the hajji understands his commitment for that period ; all you need to do isto continue spending and worshipping Allah throughout the year .

The Prophet ( SAS ) used to supplicate : “ O Allah ! I seek refuge with You from worry and grief , from incapacity and laziness , from cowardice and miserliness , from being heavily in debt and from being overpowered by ( other ) men .”[ Bukhari ]
In Hajj , if you make a major mistake in the rituals , even out of ignorance , you will have to pay a penalty or if you forget the rations of that moment you will undergo some type of amending . Learning of the hajj procedure or the planning of a month ’ s supply , when embarking on this sacred journey , you must prepare ! Similarly , is your daily requirement , you will need to make your life a sacred journey and that demands knowledge which has no limit . This combined with the healthy provision of good inner qualities and deeds , is necessary for the perfection of a Muslim ; you should not only know ‘ how to pray ’, but also become a passionate lover of prayer ! Similarly don ’ t be a ‘ lover of prayer ’ and you don ’ t know how to pray !
Abu Dharr that the Messenger of Allah ( SWT ) said : “ There is no wisdom like planning [ Ibn Majah ]
The pushing and shoving , the times of breaking down in servitude , the humble pieces of clothing , whatever is thrown your way , you accept it . Big as you are , popular as you are , rich as you are , if you are a King of the masses or Minister of the kings , when it comes to being a pilgrim , you are a servant coming to serve his master . It is one of the fascinating qualities that you need in order to have a successful hajj . So do not let your race , wealth , or status determine your demeanour , because we are all servants of the same phase of existence .
‘ Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah ( SAS ) said :“ No one will enter Paradise who has pride in his heart equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed [ Ibn Majah ]
On the trip for hajj you are subjected to different situations , your spouse who Allah has made permissible for you , now becomes impermissible to have sexual relations with , the hunting of prey is now forbidden , even the uprooting of grass is prohibited . Now you learn to decorate your life according to the needs . A good Muslim is able to prioritize situations accordingly towards his family , friends , work and Allah .
`Abdullah bin `Amrnarrates from the messenger of Allah ( SAS ):…. your body has a right on you , and your eye has a right on you , and your guest has a right on you , and your wife has a right on you …[ Bukhari ]
Believe it or not , hajj requires struggling and striving from everyone . Sometimes sleepless nights , thirst or hunger , having been put through the test of Hajj , you will learn to sacrifice the joys and bounties of this world to gain the fruits of the everlasting paradise . If you can do it for those fixed days , certainly you can strive to stay away from the evils of society and strive for the attainment of the pleasure of Allah .
Allah says : And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it , with the necessary effort due for it ( i . e . do righteous deeds of Allâh ’ s Obedience ) while he is a believer ( in the Oneness of Allâh — Islâmic Monotheism ), then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated , ( thanked and rewarded by Allâh ). [ Asra 19 ]
A quality that is definitely required for Hajj , the hajji is forced to have patience ; in fact if he does not , then he cannot be a top scorer in the pilgrimage . Likewise , you are always required to endure patience , whether it ’ s with the spouse or the kids , the siblings or the parents etc ., Allah grants many reward to the bearer of patience .
And Allâh loves As-Sâbirun ( the patient ones ). [ Al-Imran 146 ]
WRITTEN by . abrAar Alli
Ihsaan | Issue 1 | 13