Ihsaan Magazine August 2016 | Page 14


Every year some blessed individuals take the sacred journey of hajj to Makkah and although it is not the best of practises , they are given the title of ‘ Haji ’ and ‘ Hajin ’, as the local culture follows .

Hajj Lessons to apply To your Daily Life

The sacred pilgrimage is one that is full of reward and even a greater benefit than it would appear , since a pilgrim , successful in his purpose of the journey , returns as sinless as a baby .
During this sacred time as a pilgrim , you are actively required to instil many traits and practises in and out of the trip that would ensure your lofty reward in paradise . Here is a list of the top nine :
Certainly the profoundest benefit of hajj is the lesson of submission , which is initiated by the many lessons given by the symbolic father of the whole pilgrimage , Ibrahim AS and his son Ismail AS . You will learn that whatever is commanded by Allah ( SWT ) it is to be followed without deliberation . Submission is , without a doubt , dedicated to this core lesson and scattered throughout the pilgrimage of Hajj . One of those moments is at the juncture of entering into the sacred state of Ihram with the recital of the talbiyah ( call to the submission of compliance ):
“ Here I am at Your service , O Rabb , here I am . Here I am , no partner do You have , here I am . Truly , the Praise and the Favour is Yours , and the Sovereignty . No partner do You have .” [ narrated Muslim on the authority of Ibn Umar ( RA )]
Only truly an experience will translate to you the emotion attached to the proclamation of the talbiyah that gushes through the heart as it is recited .
As the Quran talks of the submission of Ibrahim AS : And We ransomed him in exchange of a great sacrifice . ( The sacrifice of Ibrahim and Ismail – peace be upon them – is commemorated every year ) [ Surah Saffaat 107 ]
Accepting revelation
Highlighted separately , but very much connected to ‘ submission ’ is the trait of compliance to revelation and not logic . From the theoretic bases of the Hajj to the practical implementation of it , Allah shows you that your logic and understanding is limited . You , as a human , are subjected to knowledge and experience to be able to understand anything . However , Allah the all Knower , all Aware , when commanding you to an action , is fully and actively paving a path for your success . In Hajj there are restrictions that are necessary for correctness of it , that resist the logical acceptance of the so called norms of society . Maybe it ’ s the ‘ no applying perfume ’ or it ’ s the ‘ no covering of the face ’, whatever the rulings , your compliance is not an option it ’ s a command and when done positively it becomes an honour , one that is a very appreciatedone to lead a daily attitude .
The Prophet would only speak what was commanded : He does not speak out of ( his own ) desire . It is but revelation revealed ( to him ). [ An-Najm 3-4 ]
Spending & Worshipping
The jurists explain that hajj is the one major act that requires physical endurance and ability as well as financial stability to happen , without these two strengths the hajj is not compulsory . Hence you as a person must learn that in your daily life , you are
12 | Ihsaan | Issue 1