Ihsaan Magazine August 2016 | Page 17

When we look into the Sunnah of our Messenger ( SAS ) we see many instances where he tells us about having Hayaa and even how the Sahabahs used to have Hayaa – both the males and females alike . For instance , once , the Prophet ( SAS ) had mentioned to the Ansar who was condemning his brother about being shy :
“ Leave him , for Haya is ( a part ) of Faith .” [ Sahih Al Bukhari ] Also our Mother , Aisha ( RA ) narrated : “ I used to enter my house where Allah ’ s Messenger ( SAS ) was and take off my garment , saying that only my husband and my father were there ; but when Umar was buried along with them , I swear by Allah that I did not enter it without having my clothes wrapped round me owing to modesty regarding Umar .” [ Sunan At- Tirmidhi ]
Another beautiful characteristic of having Hayaa is that our Messenger Muhammad ( SAS ) said that ;
“ Hayaa does not bring anything except good .” [ Sahih Al Bukhari ]
Subhanallah ! How perfect is this command from Allah to have Hayaa ? Simply being modest brings us reward , and causes us to attain goodness , once it is done for the pleasure of Allah ( AWJ ) and not for showing off and to receive praise from others around us . Having Hayaa will bring about goodness for us outwardly and inwardly , thereby making us contented with our lives as a whole . When we have this Hayaa , outwardly our bodies are covered and protected from the evil glances of the opposite sex ; it protects our eyes from seeing evil , our ears from hearing evil and our limbs and tongues from going towards and speaking evil . Inwardly ,


Hayaa will help us to cleanse our hearts from the filth that causes the blackening and hardening of the heart through sins which we deem ‘ small and insignificant ’; for these ‘ small ’ sins we will even become too shy to commit in front of Allah ( AWJ ).
So beautiful this trait called Hayaa is that it plays a major role in helping us to mould ourselves , cleanse ourselves and beautify ourselves into being the best person we were made to be – the person Allah ( AWJ ) knows we are all capable of being as true believers , if we follow his commands and follow the Sunnah of His beloved Messenger , Muhammad ( SAS )
Ihsaan | Issue 1 | 15