IGNITE Leadership Academy Action Learning Project 2016-17 | Page 24

Allison Reynolds Social Work Manager/Music Therapist St. Mary’s Center Lotus Health and Wellness Center Open House 1 How would you describe your Action Learning Project and the difference you hope it will make to advance your organization’s mission (or the field) and benefit the individuals you serve? My Action Learning Project is to plan an event/open house/ribbon cutting ceremony for the new St. Mary’s Primary Care Clinic, “Lotus Health and Wellness Center,” set to open the summer of 2017. The target population of this new primary care clinic is the under served, vulnerable community at large with the main goal to provide access to quality care to residents of the established catchment area. St. Mary’s prides itself in providing culturally competent and compassionate care to its members. This event is meant to attract attention and to “get the word out” to the Harlem community of the Lotus Health and Wellness Center, and the valuable services it provides. Event attendees will be able to tour and familiarize themselves with the new facility, learn about its services (and the services as a whole which St. Mary’s provides), meet the staff and open informal communication channels about potential referrals, ongoing support of the facility, etc. The plan is to invite local politicians, prominent community members, including from the local police precinct, tenant association, etc., donors, and those who have helped to see this project through. I will work to establish a committee of dedicated St. Mary’s staff members, who are interested in planning and assisting in this event. The necessary components of this project will include the development of new marketing materials and ways of marketing and spreading the word. 2 How have the relationships you’ve developed as part of your project (with mentors, partners, stakeholders, etc.) influenced this direction and you as a leader? Being chosen to be on the Executive “A Team” Committee at St. Mary’s in the spring of 2016, and being privy to special meetings on the development of the Lotus Health and Wellness Center, has helped me to feel a greater commitment and connection to the St. Mary’s mission as a whole and the future success of this new clinic. The CEO, Ms. Holly Argent-Tariq, has shown to be a confident and fearless leader as we are ushering in this new change and shift in the services that St. Mary’s will offer. I feel honored that she has instilled her trust in me and her support has been invaluable. The relationships that I have developed as part of the Leadership Academy have helped to boost my confidence, understand and access my strengths and given me the confidence that I can, in fact, take on more leadership responsibilities. Through their caring approach and modeling of what strong and successful leaders look like, in all types of positions, settings and environments, the Leadership Academy staff and mentors have been exemplary. Meeting leaders in high positions who work hard, generate respect and treat their employees fairly and justly, while adhering to the mission of their organizations, has been inspiring and helped me believe that I too have what it takes to step outside of my comfort zone to take on greater responsibilities and challenges. The relationships that I have fostered through the past 8 months is a further reassurance that I have people who I can call on when I need support, feel “stuck” or need another perspective. 3 What have been important turning points for you, in your own learning, as you’ve engaged with the action learning process (you might consider a surprise, insight, setback, or challenge)? As I’ve engaged in the action learning process, there have been a few key moments and concepts which have stood out to me. Reading Standout 2.0, learning that my two leadership strength qualities are “Creator” and “Pioneer,” then having opportunities in the first Academy session to experience times when these qualities are beneficial and noticed, such as the banner project illustrating our values, helped me to realize my unique potential as a leader. Other concepts which stood out to me were from the book Switch—How to Change Things When (Continued on page 25) LeadingAge New York 24