IGNITE Leadership Academy Action Learning Project 2016-17 | Page 23

Welcome Aboard !


How would you describe your Action Learning Project and the difference you hope it will make to advance your organization ’ s mission ( or the field ) and benefit the individuals you serve ?
Transitioning to a new nurse manager often causes uncertainty and anxiety for our members , family members and neighborhood staff . The new manager can sometimes become overwhelmed as they work to meet the expectations of the members / family members , learn the culture of the organization , and establish relationships with numerous staff and leaders . My Action Learning Project is a formal on-boarding process for newly hired nurse managers , aimed at addressing these concerns and helping our new manager to be successful .


How have the relationships you ’ ve developed as part of your project ( with mentors , partners , stakeholders , etc .) influenced this direction and you as a leader ?
Our current nurse managers offered valuable perspective and suggestions as we discussed the on-boarding process . Members of front-line staff , the clinical team , and other key leaders offered their own perspective and insights . My director is enthusiastic about the establishing an on-boarding plan ; she continues to offer direction , feedback and guidance as the project unfolds .


What have been important turning points for you , in your own learning , as you ’ ve engaged with the action learning process ( you might consider a surprise , insight , setback , or challenge )?
Our recently hired nurse managers provided candid feedback regarding their own orientation process , including areas that need improvement . Being able to openly discuss areas where we were not completely successful , while not easy , was important as we look to formalize the process .


How do you hope your project might unfold in the months and years ahead and what impact do you hope it will have on the field at large ?
The formal on-boarding process will provide a consistent orientation plan that facilitates relationships with members , family members , and all levels of staff and leadership . The plan will help the newly hired nurse manager integrate into the culture of our organization , and establish their role as a leader on the neighborhood .


Lori Pellicano Assistant Director of Nursing The Friendly Home
How has the action learning process in the context of the Leadership Academy experience contributed to your growth as a leader ?
Throughout the Leadership Academy , I have been challenged and encouraged to step outside of my comfort zone . In the process , I have realized strengths and skills that I was unaware of . Staying with what ’ s familiar may give a sense of comfort and security , but stepping outside of that is when true growth happens .

“ Rarely have I had the opportunity to network , talk , and share challenges and insights in such an open , supportive group .”

2016-17 Fellow

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