iGB Affiliate 94_iGBAL 2024 iGB Affiliate 94_iGBAL 2024 | Page 60

“ It ’ s like giving a Wall Street trader a Bloomberg terminal versus someone random on the street . What people can do with that data is very different ”
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Together , Monahan and Goyal came up with an idea . “ Ultimately we just thought we could launch a great software product with lots of markets opening as well as sportsbooks getting licensed which meant a lot of data was going to be around for people to line shop markets .”
One of the company ’ s fastest-growing tools is its Positive EV , advertised on its website as providing “ profitable bets that are weighted in your favour so you always win in the long run ”. The positive expected value tool works by giving players real-time recommendations at the midpoint of the market where , through betting consistently on weighted odds , players will make money over a longer period of time .
Monahan admits that OddsJam isn ’ t the only company offering this , but he believes they do a better job of explaining the data . “ A lot of sites have odds , but they don ’ t explain to people in a way that makes sense ,” he says . “ You need to get the motivation across why people should be line shopping and how it may affect your ROI .
“ Our goal is definitely to make people better with how they bet ; it ’ s not to make people rich or full-time sports bettors . But when you give them access to the data it ’ s like giving a Wall Street trader a Bloomberg terminal versus someone random on the street . Obviously what people can do with that data is very different .”
OddsJam is proud to be a small team , consisting of only around a dozen employees who are spread across content , customer support and computer engineering and who all
Alex Monahan ( front right and top )
“ It ’ s like giving a Wall Street trader a Bloomberg terminal versus someone random on the street . What people can do with that data is very different ”
work remotely . “ We try to get together for games online and occasionally in person where possible like when we did something in Iowa for March Madness ,” explains Monahan with a smile . “ Being a fully remote company has its pros and cons , but it ’ s been the way we ’ ve been able to grow and keep people happy as they can work for us from anywhere .”
When it comes to hiring , OddsJam often looks to its own customers who have provided the company with employees with a keen interest in the sports betting market . “ We ’ ve hired a lot of people from our email list who are customers or sports bettors ,” he says . The reason ? Well , according to Monahan , it ’ s all about finding people who truly understand what the company is trying to do and that ties in with a keen interest in the industry . “ Sports betting really is a passion thing . There are people who love it , people who hate gambling and people who if they could gamble for the rest of their life would be in heaven ,” he says .