IEEE Byte- Volume 4 | Issue 1 IEEE BYTE- Vol4 Issue1 | Page 17

• Techniques used are skin texture analysis where the texture of a patch of the skin is stored as numbers. • 3-D algorithms use features like eye sockets, jawlines, and skull shape too • Thermal algorithms just store the shape of a certain individual. Modern efficient computers combine all these algorithms to ensure accuracy. WHERE CAN IT BE APPLIED? Security: The most widely used and researched feature, is to prevent and detect crime almost immediately. Airports and famous public places continuously scan the area for any kind of suspicious individuals being searched by law agencies around the world. This includes terrorists, anti-nationals and other threats to humanity. The industry is expected to grow from $4 billion to $8 billion within 4- 5 years and be the most extensively used security feature. o Phone access. o Helping law enforcement by identifying people from a safe distance using drones o Forensic Investigations o Preventing School Threats – Identifying sex offenders, drug dealers or violent parents. o Air Travel Is More Convenient – Long queues to verify documents and people can be reduced while checking in. Marketing: Facial recognition can guess or predict the age and gender of a human being and tinker advertisements and infomercials to entertain them. 17