IEEE Byte- Volume 4 | Issue 1 IEEE BYTE- Vol4 Issue1 | Page 16

"When your face will become your password, unlocking smartphones and bank accounts, From Facebook’s Deep view From Amazon to Apple Face Recognition in 2018 will change our lives" Did you ever sit back and wonder how your phone detects your face in a photo or how Facebook automatically identifies you and your friends when you upload your memories? The technology, formally known as Facial Recognition and Detection is an emerging trend in the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence segment. It identifies and verifies the identity of a person based on various facial parameters like skin, the shape of your eyes and lips. The technology was brought into the limelight when Apple Inc launched Face-ID as a special feature in the iPhone X. Earlier smartphones which supported face detection wasn’t as advanced as the current version. Many of the interesting advantages of this biometric system are its non-invasive or contactless nature, cheaper than other access-restriction systems and can be used for a large number of people at once. HOW DOES IT WORK? This technology needs a set of parameters and a database to store and compare the data collected. It also needs a strong algorithm to analyse and give out results in real-time. Python combined with Machine Learning (ML) is used to implement these requirements. The algorithm matches your face with billions of other faces in the database based on key factors like distance between your eyes and the shape of your chin and generates a unique numerical number to store this data. 16