Domestic violence and mistreatment of school children by teachers without any vocation add up to lives full of problems and the demonization of good manners, which are maliciously related to weakness or homosexuality since the early ages. A false notion of manhood or manliness has contributed to bad behavior among children and young people, as well as its ultimate expression: violence. The causes have been conditioned or permitted for political convenience. At the pre-university schools in the country field, violence is evident. These schools are truly juvenile prisons with high levels of bloodshed and anger among the students. Over them the authorities imposed faithfully copies of the prisons’ hierarchies and it gives rise to most of the bickering. Much more when it comes to athletic scholarships, in which combat athletes are mingled with the rest of the students. All this generates deficits in basic education that later break badly out in the streets. Another bad example are the armed mobs, including students of different levels, used by the State Security and the Police for both offending peaceful opponents with obscenities and stoning their homes. Thusly, the young people are left to their free will and they end up behaving badly. Also the own prison system accomplishes its mission. It sounds weird, but it's the real Cuba: the human life is simply worthless. After having committed a homicide, the culprit receives a sentence that does not correspond to the crime. Shortly thereafter, the inmate goes out to work and finally gets probation, if he or she cooperates with the jailers. A crime without rightful punishment is nonsense, but for Castroism being offender is better than being opponent. Everyone knows who calls the shots in Guantánamo’s streets. Good people can hardly have fun. In the few recreation centers, gangs of armed teenagers are boasting of their preeminence. Girls forming pickets carry the arms for the boys with the purpose to evade the police. The latter abstains from controlling them and, after high consumption of alcohol and psychotropic drugs, these young people lash out against anyone or engage in a full territorial fight against a rival gang. People ask why so many minors are wandering around late at night, and why they can consume alcohol in public spaces. The authorities do nothing. Why? The answer is simple: because they are chasing street vendors and opponents. They patrol the streets in search of an unhappy dude trying to honorably support his family or of another one shouting against the government or holding up a placard. That´s the real threat to the Cuban revolution: to work or to express opinion outside the State. The human rights activist Yobel Sevilla Martinez was sentenced to four years under charges of attack against the police. Actually, he called the attention of law enforcement officers about a scuffle just on the corner, but they refrained from intervening. As soon as he questioned such attitude, the police agents turned against him and brutally beat him. He ended up being arrested. We cannot evade the social responsibility and justify the repression that supposedly would solve the problem by putting the entire blame on the parents. The authorities themselves have created the edge of lawlessness that pervades our society, which has been devalued by almost six decades of misrule. We must face the situation with intelligent measures away from the extremes. We cannot treat the scourge as mere contingency, following the customary guidance of temporary solution for long-lasting problems. Instead, we should implement strong and sustainable programs to dissolve the root causes of violence. 18