is a woman who is white living back
there, and another young man who
is also white; the person in the very first
house is also white, but everyone else is
Entryway to the albergue
Another neighbor showed us her home
and explained her situation. This time,
when Santa and Kirenia told her that I’d
come back to write about the people
living there, she answered that she was
not interested in telling us anything:
“She says she is not going to be paid for
the interview,” Kirenia informs me. Far
from being bother by it, I decided she
was right. I am not going to pay her, but
I also can’t guarantee that this interview
will have some positive impact on the
lives of these folks. How many people
will read it, and what will it mean to
them? I don’t know. All I know is that
realities such as this one cannot wait for
a time when there is freedom of the
press, expression, and association in
Cuba. And even those achievements will
not be enough for these people to be able
to escape the precarious conditions in
which they live.
Entry to Santa's house
Albergue children