A Life with No Insurance Natividad Soto Kessel Chemical engineer and ceramicist Havana, Cuba I left home early in the morning, to buy my ration book bread, a round loaf that fits in the palm of my hand, is sometimes undercooked, other times sour, containing a small stone. It is always short on shortening or lard, and is often blackened on one side, or tastes like tin. Despite all this, I go buy it, toast it a bit in a pan, and eat it, when the bite of hunger awakens me in the middle of the night. If not, then it becomes my breakfast, which was why I went out to buy it in the first place. Upon awakening, my thoughts traveled to the past. I remembered the worried look on the faces of the folks who waited outside the bakery. There was uncertainty in that look; they were losing hope. Hours earlier, they had been assured that the bread would be ready by 6PM, but it wasn’t. Intent on calming us, the shop employee told them ѡ