Ibuprofen Ibuprofen | Page 5

Materials       Erlenmeyer Mortar Filter paper Watch glass Hasty vases Decanter       Funnel Pipette Universal support and nut Graduated cylinder Thermo stirrer Spatula Reagents     NaOH Hydrochloric acid Ibuprofen (200mg) Ethyl acetate Preparation of recrystallization First the ibuprofen capsule was weighed. After weighing it was crushed with the help of a mortar, once crushed it was added to an Erlenmeyer and 15 ml of ethyl acetate were added keeping in constant agitation until it dissolved most of the substance, in addition it required a little heating to accelerate the dissolution. After it was heated, the solution was taken to a gravity filtering process using a funnel and the previously weighed filter paper to separate the insoluble solids. After filtration the obtained ethanolic acetate solution was placed in a precipitated beaker and transferred to a separatory funnel or funnel. Next, 10 ml of a previously prepared 1M NaOH solution was added, the funnel