IB online news, 1/2018 1/2018 | Page 7

Furthermore, hats could be worn all at once. Is it funny to say so? Yes, yes, it is. You might think that it would not be a good idea to wear six hats as well as handle six kinds of thinking methods at the same time. But when it comes to the job of a project manager in Frami Pro, you need to think different. We all need to.

During the second year in the Seinäjoki University of Applied Science, I have a chance to attend the Frami Pro where I can be a project manager, a project worker, a secretary and solve the real cases from the local companies.

This is truly my best memory in the University life. Because throughout the hard-working time with all the amazing friends (both English speaker and Finnish speaker ones, from many fields but not only international business), I learned to be professional, to have more amazing skills such as editing and designing, to be a leader and to determine who am I?