IB online news, 1/2018 1/2018 | Page 5

Mine is the green hat which represents creativity. I tend to develop solutions for every problem in creative ways. The other hats are:

• White Hat: people owns this color of hat focus on the data and analyze it. They learn from the mistake, the past trend and then try to fill the gap as well as solve the problem.

• Red Hat: In contrary to the white one, when you wear this hat, you will be able to look at the problem with intuition or gut feeling.

• Black Hat: is the point of view where people look for the potential risks

• Yellow Hat: is the opposite side of the earlier one because if you wear this hat, you will see with an optimistic viewpoint.

• At last, Blue Hat: is the one that I want to wear most of the time because it’s represented process control. Those who wear this hat are usually the leader.

But is that mean I will always have fresh, amazing idea and do not own any of the other styles of thinking? Absolutely no. “The Six Thinking Hats” not only points out which kind of reaction trend you often apply but also show that thinking could be changed flexibly in order to conduct the best solution.

I have understood this benefit of the method with the help of virtual enterprise course. The course made us gather as a team of five different individuals with

different personalities and

skills, from which we

built a business idea and

organized the whole

working process as a

virtual company.