#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 102

Perhaps Reinhardt could work out a deal with a local restaurant chain such as Chick-fil-A to provide breakfast at least once a week—or even better, to serve Chick-fil-A during the week, opening up a Chick-fil-A inside of Gordy where students could buy food with Eagle Money or their own cash, which would also bring in profits for Reinhardt. Maybe Applebee’s could provide a lunch, and wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a Red Lobster dinner once a month? Hopefully, a new and better facility can and will offer more options for food choices.

The expansion of Gordy Dining Center will benefit Reinhardt University tremendously. If the appearance and size of Gordy can increase so that students won’t be touching forks while they eat, then I believe it will still be a packed café in the future. The expansion will definitely bring beauty to the school, and improving Gordy on the inside will intrigue people even more. These improvements will bring many new people to eat on campus.

With the limited number of restaurants in Waleska, Gordy could become the commu-nity’s favorite place to eat. The nearby residential development of Lake Arrowhead alone has over 1500 residents, and their clubhouse does not serve food except for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. If the Gordy became a “dining program complete with signature brands and menu selections,” it could possibly become Waleska’s top hidden restaurant. The Gordy could bring the whole community of Waleska to Reinhardt’s campus.

"The expansion will definitely bring beauty to the school, and improving Gordy on the inside will intrigue people even more. These improvements will bring many new people to eat on campus. "

The food lines of Gordy Dining Center