#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 101

On paper, this sounds very true, though in reality some inconsistencies occur depen-ding upon the day and time, leading to a dependable litany of student complaints. Yes, there are fruits and salads, and the pizza and pasta are freshly baked—but they are often served cold. In addition to the hot entree and vegetable buffet, Sodexo provides deli choices, but they are generally not served on freshly baked bread. Occasionally, stu-dents enjoy homemade soups and ice cream, as well as a set of freshly baked desserts, but as far as “Delicious, hot, home-style entrees,” I have never eaten food like this at my house on a consistent basis. As far as the “new creations by our chef just for you,” many students complain about the monotony of the menu offerings, desiring more variety rather than the same food choices on regular rotation. We definitely can “eat all we care to,” but as my football teammate Julian Adams says, “It’s just so hard to eat the same food week after week and day after day.”

However, students will be pleased to learn that improvements are on the horizon: an expansion is on its way for Gordy. The new President, Dr. Kina Mallard, has given the power to Vice President for Finance and Administration David Leopard to expand “The Gordy.” Leopard says that the Gordy that we know of today, with limited space, will be less limited by 2017. The Gordy Dining Center is going to be expanded out to cover the current parking lot, and even though Reinhardt plans to renew its contract with Sodexo USA, Leopard is also considering partnering with other companies that might contribute to the Gordy’s growth. Hopefully, a newly renovated kitchen will allow for better and more diverse food preparation.

"Improvements are on the horizon: an expansion is on the way for Gordy."

The Freestyle Coke machines in Gordy Dining Center