Hydrogen Tech World August 2023 | Page 39

[ transport ] required that can cope with increasing demand without being overwhelmed . Realistically , however , hydrogen pipelines will not be widely available before the end of the decade , and even then , they are unlikely to reach all hydrogen users .
In this situation , where gas networks do not exist , bulk gas transportation systems emerge as a promising solution . These virtual gas pipelines enable local governments , energy firms , and gas distribution networks to meet hydrogen demand by transporting it from production sites to the point of use . They offer flexibility and can bridge the gap until dedicated pipeline infrastructure is established .
Developing hydrogen storage
Long-term , bulk gas transportation will be crucial for the UK and other nations to realise their ambition of becoming green hydrogen-producing hubs , as energy companies will need to carry as much hydrogen as possible via roads , rail , and water .
With over 80 years of experience in gas containment , Luxfer has spent more than two decades developing hydrogen fuel solutions to power buses , trucks , trains , marine vessels , refuse vehicles and more . As such , the company has built a reputation for expertise in alternative fuel , pioneering new hydrogen transport projects and raising the bar on hydrogen storage safety . hydrogen , we were increasingly being called upon to help firms that needed to transport smaller volumes of gas . This highlighted a market gap : a lack of small- to medium-scale gas transportation solutions across different gaseous elements , for a variety of applications . The objective , therefore , became to apply our knowledge of alternative fuel systems and bulk gas modules to adapt the large-scale models into a format that could meet smaller volume demands .
Introducing the G-Stor™ Pro Bundle
As a result of this understanding and intense product development efforts , Luxfer recently launched the G-Stor Pro Bundle , a multiplecylinder package ( MCP ) using our Type 3 G-Stor H2 cylinders . Nine interconnected cylinders are stacked horizontally and – thanks to the unique cylinder liner processing , which reduces weight and increases volume – can store a larger volume of gas in a smaller footprint compared to other available options . Market-ready within a year , these ‘ bundles ’ tapped into demand from companies targeting cleaner and greener operations , but whose sustainability objectives are being curtailed by a lack of hydrogen infrastructure options .
The modular system is set in a lightweight , durable , high-strength frame that can be slotted into an existing structure and onto trucks and trailers seamlessly , making it a sound solution for transporting gases by road or rail .
One of our notable projects involves the development of bulk gas transportation modules to make hydrogen more accessible to different applications , and around the world . The 20- foot , 40-foot and 45-foot Multiple Element Gas Containers ( MEGC ) can each store between 0.5 and 1.4 tons of the gas , depending on the cylinder technology employed and the end-use destination .
While we identified the need for MEGC units , due to the limited availability of large quantities of
The G-Stor™ H2 cylinders range from 150 to 322 litres , with storage capacity options from 32.1 kgs to 84.3 kgs . The use of Type 3 technology means all hydrogen stored can be utilised with no wastage , thanks to the impermeable qualities of the cylinders . Robust , suitable for fast-filling , and providing zero permeation , the cylinder increases the asset value of the entire system . Features such as over pressure valves are included to deliver safe operation throughout the life cycle of the product .
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 11 | August 2023 39