Hydrogen Tech World August 2023 | Page 38

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G-Stor™ Pro Bundle

Connecting the dots : supporting hydrogen adoption in Europe

The sense of urgency surrounding hydrogen is growing as it is to play a significant role in the future energy mix and specifically Net Zero goals . Globally , hydrogen could account for 22 % of final energy demand in 2050 . But while demand for the clean energy continues to increase , the supporting infrastructure is still lacking . So how do we reconcile the two ? In this article , Kevin Gilbert of Luxfer Gas Cylinders looks at the latest pioneering solution making hydrogen more accessible .
By Kevin Gilbert , Alternative Fuel Design Manager , Luxfer Gas Cylinders Europe
The hydrogen infrastructure challenge
There is no doubt that hydrogen has landed firmly in the spotlight . In just the past five years , at least 40 countries have released hydrogen strategies or roadmaps towards energy transition and a low-carbon economy . 1 Despite this progress , when we reflect on the hydrogen ecosystem today , we see individual areas of the supply chain working in isolation – yet all grappling with the similar challenges of government support , funding , regulation clarification , supply chain delays , limited gas production , and infrastructure constraints .
In fact , it is widely recognised that the pipeline infrastructure in particular is one of the most significant hurdles to the large-scale adoption of hydrogen . In order to connect demand and supply and support both hydrogen production and consumption , a gas distribution network is
38 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 11 | August 2023