Hydrogen Tech World August 2023 | Page 40

[ transport ]
The advantages of MCPs
MCPs are used where a volume of gas is required to be fed at a regular flow rate and pressure without an interruption . A practical and efficient storage solution , they reduce the need to manage cylinder stocks and eliminate time lost in cylinder changeover and handling , as well as gas wastage . This results in fewer potential delays or interruptions in operations .
Cylinder packages excel in mobility and portability , enabling hydrogen to be transported via trucks , ships , or rail to different locations . This mobility overcomes limitations imposed by pipeline infrastructure , crucially expanding the reach of hydrogen .
Multiple cylinder packages also offer on-site storage solutions , providing immediate access to hydrogen for critical applications such as backup power systems or industrial processes . This on-site stock ensures business continuity and minimises downtime .
Many of these benefits become clear when the product is seen in operation . As part of Luxfer ’ s commitment to continuous improvement and reducing the environmental impact of our operations , the G-Stor™ Pro Bundle has been successfully deployed at our Nottingham , UK site .
Realising the benefits
At this site , Type I and Type II cylinders are manufactured for a range of applications , and in the factory , a large hydraulic ram uses nitrogen to shape a solid aluminium billet into the hollow shell of a cylinder .
Furthermore , we have an expanding alternative fuel facility that houses a large liquid nitrogen tank for pressure testing our fuel systems . Following a successful trial , we currently have two G-Stor™ Pro Bundles in production , which will replace our existing rental model to feed our manufacturing press . We will deploy our bulk liquid storage to supply it , which is an additional saving because gaseous nitrogen is more costly than liquid nitrogen .
Additionally , due to the higher pressure of our Bundle solution , which is increased by 150 bar , the number of multiple-cylinder packages required to feed the press has been reduced . Previously , four packages were needed , but now , only two are sufficient :
G-Stor H2 cylinder
one in use and another filled and ready to be used when the first one is empty .
The G-Stor™ Pro Bundles have the potential to support a whole host of applications , including deployment within industry in the way they are supporting the Luxfer manufacturing operation . Plus , the technology will suit marine applications , construction vehicles , running generators or even to fill test vehicles where a refueller or large storage may be deemed too costly for the small amount of gas required to check a fuel cell is working correctly .
Pipelines of the future
In the coming decades , dedicated pipelines are likely to be a far more economical way of transporting the growing amounts of hydrogen . However , it is still unclear if physical pipelines will be the preferred choice or if virtual pipeline alternatives will be more widely embraced .
Regardless of the direction taken , it is unlikely that the growth of physical pipelines will render virtual pipelines obsolete . Instead , we anticipate a combination of virtual pipeline solutions and
40 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 11 | August 2023