By: Lydia Chen
What is a QR code?
-QR code (abbreviated from Quick
Response Code) is the trademark for a
type of matrix barcode (or twodimensional barcode). A barcode is an
optically machine-readable label attached
to an item that records information related
to that item. The information encoded by a
QR code may be made up of four
standardized types ("modes") of data
(numeric, alphanumeric, byte / binary,
Kanji) or, through supported extensions,
virtually any type of data.
(From Wikipedia)
Fairmont Prep is experiencing a
technology revolution. With the one-toone iPad program highly valued by
students and faculty, another wave of
school-wide change is taking place. As you
may already notice, there are QR codes
posted everywhere on campus.
Mrs. Kimberly Gerwatosky, one of the
hardworking PrepTEC Coordinators,
revealed her idea of introducing QR codes
at school.
"Technology is seeping into our daily lives
more than ever before. I discovered that
these QR codes have an amazing
acceptance to our audience who are using
smart phones at school."
Simply turning on the app and scanning
the code, you get quick access to the
information you are looking for. We have
received positive feedback from parents,
students and teachers by claiming this new
way of connection works really well for
communication. Videos for classes, weekly
menu for cafeteria and schedules for sport
games can all be shared through QR
codes. Furthermore, some foreign
language teachers share audios by using
QR codes to help students improve
language skills.
We were surprised that during Club Rush,
many clubs included their club QR code on
their posters and flyers to attract potential
new members. As can be seen, QR codes
are prevailing just as iPads, and this
technology trend will keep influencing The
Prep student’s lives.
For more information on the Prep Tech
program, check out the QR code below!