Huntsville Chamber 2024 | Page 50


Categorical Membership

Ranger Guard of Conroe / College Station Alexis Loll Poindexter ( 936 ) 324-9492 conroe . rangerguard . net / 412 W Phillips St . Suite 102 Conroe
SCI Alarms Jeff Rosenkranz ( 936 ) 435-0903 www . scottcomminc . com / 8000 Cowl Spur Court Conroe
Sentry Security LLC Jay Elms ( 936 ) 400-7123 sentrysecurityco . com 1409 Ave M Huntsville
Security & Surveillance / Information Technology and Security Anthem Technology
Kevin Dixon ( 866 ) 994-3968 ( 866 ) 994-3968 www . anthemtech . net 1411 Avenue M Huntsville
Signs & Electronic Message Centers
Extreme Signs Pricilla Davidson ( 936 ) 435-0988 ( 936 ) 435-1113 www . extremesignsusa . com 1800 Old Sycamore Avenue Huntsville
Signs / Wraps Tangent Signs April Killingsworth ( 936 ) 435-0312 www . tangentsigns . com 3113 Hwy 19 South HUNTSVILLE
Spa & Body Products Lash Haus on the Left , LLC Brigett Abramski ( 936 ) 647-6698 lashhausontheleft . glossgenius . com / 49 SH 75 N Huntsville
Staffing Express Employment Professionals Brittany Castellon ( 936 ) 760-1771 ( 936 ) 760-1772 www . expresspros . com / conroetx 2816 Interstate 45 , Suite 100 Conroe
Storage Climatec Secure Storage Christy Atkins ( 936 ) 241-4662 climatecstorage . com 276 IH 45 South Huntsville
FreeUp Storage Huntsville Sarah Odat ( 936 ) 295-1791 freeupstorage . com / location / huntsville / # 20 Farm to Market Road 1791 Huntsville
Lone Oak Services Casey Spencer ( 936 ) 661-9706 1622 20th Street Huntsville
Osprey Storage Jamie Salas ( 936 ) 220-2502 ospreystoragehuntsville . com / 2040 SH 30 , Huntsville
Storage / Moving & Storage Hillside Storage - New Waverly Gina Warren ( 936 ) 284-2119 hillsidestoragenewwaverly . com / 950 State Hwy 150 W New Waverly
Storage / Boat & RV Hillside Storage - Willis Gina Warren ( 936 ) 228-2011 Huntsville
Surveyors Fuller & Associates Joe A . Fuller ( 936 ) 295-8330 ( 936 ) 295-3990 1222 University Huntsville
Texas Professional Surveying Briana Winget ( 936 ) 756-7447 www . surveyingtexas . com 3032 N . Frazier Conroe
Tax Preparation PrimeTimeTaxes Denise Ross ( 936 ) 355-6915 13429 Cannon Creek Ct Willis
Tax Express Nancy Reeves ( 936 ) 291-8062 ( 936 ) 291-2447 www . taxexpresshuntsville . com 1719 11th Street , Suite 100 Huntsville
Technology Solutions Parker Data & Voice Bill Parker ( 832 ) 602-3551 www . parkerdatavoice . com / 96 FM 2550 , Huntsville
Telephone Directories TXPAGES Mark Smith ( 936 ) 295-2851 | ( 936 ) 291-7639 www . txpages . com
Title Companies Hometown Title Solutions , LLC ( 936 ) 344-1700 www . hometowntitletx . com 1515 13th St ., Huntsville
Huntsville Abstract & Title Co . Samuel & Patricia Johnson ( 936 ) 295-8165 ( 936 ) 291-7396 huntsvilleabstract . com 1214 Sam Houston Avenue Huntsville