Walker County Title Company Alvin Martin ( 936 ) 295-8173 ( 936 ) 295-0371 1224 University Avenue , Suite 101 Huntsville
Tours Historic Tours of Texas Caroline Crimm ( 936 ) 649-8202 www . historictoursofTexas . com 1225 11th St . HUNTSVILLE
Tractor Sales & Service Huntsville Truck & Tractor Marty Green ( 936 ) 291-8103 ( 936 ) 291-7652 huntsvilletruckandtractor . com 2124 State Highway 30 E Huntsville
Trailer Sales & Leasing - New & Used The Jack Olsta Co . John Olsta ( 936 ) 291-7940 | ( 888 ) 907-7940 ( 936 ) 295-9529 www . olstaco . com 810 Interstate 45 N Huntsville
Eastex Trailers & Storage John Cole 936-291-0404 www . eastextrailers . com 3156 State Highway 19 Huntsville
Transportation Archies and Sons 3rd Coast Transportation LLC Kiosha Archie ( 832 ) 995-0031 14405 Walters RD , Suite 840 Houston
Travel Services Spring Chicken Travel Sandra Rogers ( 281 ) 960-5678 springchicken . com Trinity
University Organization Center for Community Engagement - SHSU Lee Miller ( 936 ) 294-4559 www . shsu . edu / academics / cce / index . html 1901 Ave I Huntsville
Upholstery The Upholstery Room David Fonseca ( 936 ) 435-0211 ( 936 ) 291-7177 526 11th Street Huntsville
Veterinarians Huntsville Pet Clinic Phillip & Courtney DuVall , DVM ’ s ( 936 ) 295-8106 ( 936 ) 295-8107 www . huntsvillepetclinic . com 2902 Montgomery Road Huntsville
Video Production SVS Marketing Solutions John Fletcher ( 936 ) 661-6760 www . svsmarketingsolutions . com 2431 Crosstimbers St Huntsville
Winery / Vineyard West Sandy Creek Winery Sandy McGinley ( 936 ) 436-9050 wscwinery . com 1773 FM 1791 Richards