Huntsville Chamber 2024 | Page 49

Zero Degree Rick Boehning ( 936 ) 438-0391 2801 Old Houston Road Huntsville
Lee Baron Fashions LTD Inc . Sam Jhangiani ( 936 ) 291-1118 Leebarononline . com 1524 11th Street , Huntsville
Lone Star Fine Designs Joey Forrest ( 281 ) 468-2973 www . lonestardesigns . com 171 Koehl Raod Huntsville
Office Depot Lerin Young ( 936 ) 291-9944 www . officedepot . com 133 Interstate 45 North Huntsville
Pack and Ship Tyler Fordyce ( 936 ) 661-3696 www . pshuntsville . com / 3011 Highway 30 W , Suite 101 HUNTSVILLE
Smiley ’ s Express # 12- BSA Business LLC Baquir Ali ( 936 ) 439-4013 smileysexpress . com 356 State Hwy 75 North Huntsville
Retirement Living Community Montgomery Meadows , Ltd . Wyndi Whitehead ( 936 ) 439-9771 ( 936 ) 439-9422 2750 Montgomery Road Huntsville
Retreat & Conference Center Camp Allen Conference & Retreat Center Josh Fultz ( 936 ) 825-7175 www . campallen . org 18800 FM 362 , Navasota
Retreat & Conference Center Trinity Pines Conference Center Phil Springer ( 936 ) 594-5011 www . trinitypines . org 4341 FM 356 , Trinity
River Authority Trinity River Authority of Texas Jimmie Sims ( 936 ) 295-5485 ( 936 ) 295-9116 www . trinityra . org 1601 Normal Park Huntsville
Roofing Contractors Affirm Roofing LLC Gage Jeter ( 936 ) 221-5137 www . affirmroofing . com 257 SH-75 Huntsville
Buck Horn Roofing John Burleson ( 936 ) 852-2044 buckhornroofing . com 858 CR 3515 Lovelady
Lifeline Roofing Co Blu Harris ( 936 ) 701-2242 lifelineroofingsystems . com / 105 Samantha Lane Huntsville
Texas Signature Roofing Jared Hathorn ( 936 ) 661-8442 texassignatureroofing . com 476 Guerrant Road Huntsville
Roofing Contractors / Gutters Lucas Matlock Roofing & Gutters James Lucas ( 936 ) 291-3434 ( 936 ) 545-9802 www . lucasroofing . com 1929 S . W . Loop 304 Crockett
Schools-Colleges Sam Houston State University Charles Vienne ( 936 ) 294-1111 www . shsu . edu 1806 Avenue J Administration Building Room 303 Huntsville
SHSU College of Arts & Media ( 936 ) 294-2340 | ( 936 ) 294-3413 www . shsu . edu / cam 815 17th St ., GPAC Suite 190 Huntsville
Schools-Private Alpha Omega Academy Christy Burkhalter ( 936 ) 438-8833 ( 936 ) 438-8844 www . alphaomegaacademy . org 3891 State Highway 30 W Huntsville
Summit Christian Academy Kathy Ignatovich ( 936 ) 295-9601 ( 936 ) 295-9236 www . scahuntsville . org 3122 Montgomery Road Huntsville
Schools-Public Huntsville I . S . D . Scott Sheppard ( 936 ) 435-6300 ( 936 ) 435-6648 www . huntsville-isd . org 441 FM 2821 East Huntsville
Huntsville ISD - Huntsville High School Paul Trevino ( 936 ) 435-6100 ( 936 ) 435-6621 www . huntsville-isd . org 441 FM 2821 Huntsville High School Huntsville
New Waverly Independent School District Darol Hail ( 936 ) 344-6751 ( 936 ) 344-2438 www . new-waverly . k12 . tx . us 355 Front Street New Waverly
Security & Surveillance Lonestar Security & Investigations , LLC Duane Clark ( 936 ) 439-6037 lonestarsecuritytx . com 1204 Sam Houston Ave , Suite 7 Huntsville