Newspapers The Huntsville Item
Traci Gallin / Brenda Poe ( 936 ) 295-5407 ( 936 ) 435-0135 www . itemonline . com 1409 10th Street Huntsville
Trinity County News Standard Tony Farkas ( 936 ) 642-1726 easttexasnews . com 134 E . 1st St . Groveton
Non Profit Organization A Time 2 Read , Inc . Holly McMichael ( 936 ) 577-2516 atime2read . org PO Box 7403 Huntsville
BEARS Etc . Kati Krouse ( 214 ) 995-1565 Www . bearsetc . org 91 Ashworth Rd , Huntsville
Covenant with Christ Christine Shippey ( 281 ) 592-5001 www . convenantwithchrist . org 228 North Hwy 75 Huntsville
Grace Baptist Church David Beaty ( 936 ) 291-7083 www . gbch . info 248 Hwy 19 Huntsville
Greater Conroe Arts Alliance Judi Lanza ( 936 ) 203-2423 greaterconroeartsalliance . com P . O . Box 1415 Conroe , TX 77305
Hope ’ s Bridge Sharon Dieringer ( 936 ) 537-3173 www . hopes-bridge . org P . O . Box 1901 Montgomery
Huntsville Cruisers Shellie Geer ( 936 ) 294-7271 121 Leigh Anne Street Huntsville
Huntsville Elks Lodge 1981 Audra Rumfield ( 936 ) 295-2881 3206 Elks Drive Huntsville
Huntsville TV Martin Gaston ( 832 ) 519-3633 www . huntsvilletx . tv Huntsville
Huntsville-Walker County Crime Stoppers Tammy Gann ( 936 ) 294-9494 walkercounty . crimestoppersweb . com Huntsville
Operation Red Wings Foundation Kristal Wood ( 936 ) 755-6075 orwfoundation . org 29 Dusty Road Huntsville
Peyton Irwin Foundation Deanna Irwin ( 936 ) 662-5706 runsignup . com / stopdd5k 333 Roundabout Rd . Huntsville
Reflective Media Productions Dava Gordy ( 832 ) 326-0110 www . reflectivemedia . org 6606 FM 1488 Ste 148-185 Magnolia
Tomorrow ’ s Promise Educational Foundation
Rick Boehning ( 936 ) 439-0303 unleashyourimagination . org 1157 Veteran ’ s Memorial Parkway Huntsville
Veterans & Patriots United ( 832 ) 922-7693 www . veteranspatriotsunited . org 758 I-45 N , Huntsville
Veterans of Foreign War - Melvin White Post 5871 Mike Christian ( 936 ) 295-5959 463 State Hwy . 75 N Huntsville
Victory for Veterans Col Retired Mikel Burroughs ( 760 ) 994-2055 www . victoryforveterans . org 12046 White Oak Ranch Drive Conroe
Nursing Home Focused Care at Huntsville Nicole Wilson ( 936 ) 295-6313 | ( 936 ) 295-8112 fpacp . com / focused-care-athuntsville / 1302 Nottingham Huntsville
Huntsville Health Care Center Shelby Sikes ( 936 ) 293-8062 ( 936 ) 291-7384 huntsvillehealthcarecenter . com 2628 Milam Huntsville
Office Furniture HBI Office Solutions , Inc . Jim Hodges ( 936 ) 295-5708 | ( 800 ) 871-5183 ( 936 ) 295-5264 www . hbi-inc . com 308 State Highway 75 N Huntsville
Optometrist / Optical Means & Associates Huntsville Optometry Stephen Means ( 936 ) 291-8282 | ( 936 ) 291-9863 www . huntsvillevisioncenter . com 109 Medical Park Lane Huntsville
Organizations / Non-Profit Huntsville Lions Club Brenda Poe ( 936 ) 714-1338 e-clubhouse . org / sites / huntsvilletx / PO Box 67 , Huntsville
Kiwanis Club of Huntsville Joe Smith ( 936 ) 293-0400 www . kiwanis . org PO Box 361 , Huntsville