Huntsville Chamber 2024 | Page 45

Rotary Club of Huntsville Marjolein Lemmon ( 936 ) 294-1582 www . huntsvillerotary . org PO Box 186 Huntsville
Tall Pines Association of Realtors Eric Fugate Huntsville
Walker County Fair Association Viola Hollis ( 936 ) 291-8763 | ( 936 ) 291-9030 www . walkercountyfair . com 3925 State Highway 30 W Huntsville
Organizations / Non-Profit CASA of Walker County Kimberly Weiser ( 936 ) 291-2272 www . casaofwalkercounty . org 2515 Pine Shadows Dr Huntsville
Robert A . Josey Lodge Inc . ( Josey Scout Lodge ) Karla Christian joseyscoutlodge . org 1211 22nd Street Huntsville
WCSO - Citizens on Patrol Joseph Bongiovi www . co . walker . tx . us / department / division . php ? structureid = 216 717 FM 2821 Huntsville
Painting Sherwin-Williams Paint Co . Allysa Holtz ( 936 ) 295-7362 ( 936 ) 295-0355 www . sherwin . com 1109 Avenue M Huntsville
Pampered Chef Pampered Chef-Tracy L . Stoudt Independent Consultant Tracy Stoudt ( 936 ) 661-8431 ( 936 ) 293-1287 www . pamperedchef . biz / tracystoudt 205 A FM1696 W Huntsville
Parking Lots Striping / Signs Straight Line Striping John Hobbs ( 936 ) 438-0580 660 Old Phelps Road Huntsville
Performing Arts J Philip Gibbs , Jr . Centre for the Performing Arts Lauren Edwards ( 936 ) 293-8681 oldtowntheatre-huntsville . org 1023 12th Street Huntsville
Pest Control Precision Pest Control Charissa Gibson ( 936 ) 291-9473 130 FM 2821 Huntsville
Photography Game Day Photos DJ Shafer www . gamedayphotosonline . com Huntsville
May Memories LLC Kelsey Durell ( 936 ) 668-6264 www . maymemories . com 220 Gibbs St . New Waverly
Physical Therapist Direct PT of Huntsville TX Cassie Fry ( 936 ) 439-4770 directptofhuntsvilletx . com 3200 Robinson Creek Pkwy , Suite B Huntsville
Physical Therapy Associates Dallas Williams ( 936 ) 294-0283 | ( 936 ) 294-9878 www . ptaclinic . com 127 Medical Park Lane Huntsville
Physicians - Family Practice / Internal Medicine / Pediatrics
Huntsville Family Medicine Lane Aiena ( 936 ) 291-2116 | ( 936 ) 435-7824 www . huntsvillefamilymed . com 123A Medical Park Lane Huntsville
Piano Tuning / Repair Madilene ’ s Piano Tuning & Repair Madilene Loosier ( 936 ) 581-0094 madilenespianoservice . com PO Box 8963 Huntsville
Plumbing Contractors Affordable Plumbing Co . Tammy Duke ( 936 ) 291-7886 | ( 936 ) 438-8259
Plumbing Contractors - Air Conditioning / Heating Repairs & Sales
McWilliams Heating , Cooling and Plumbing Joyce Knierim ( 936 ) 327-2665 www . mcwilliamsandson . com 1233 11th St . Huntsville
Plumbing Supplies-Wholesale Coburn ’ s Supply Company , Inc . ( 936 ) 295-8128 ( 936 ) 295-0512 www . coburns . com 4054 Sam Houston Avenue Huntsville
Portable Buildings Cabins and More of Texas Adriane Hunter ( 936 ) 730-4549 www . camotx . com 3727 State Hwy 19 Riverside
Pressure Washing / Trash Can Cleaning
Superior Cleaning Solutions Dustin Stoudt ( 936 ) 228-3353 superiorcleaningtx . com 205A FM 1696 W Huntsville
Promotional Items / Signs Halo Branded Solutions Kelly Sims ( 936 ) 295-1519 ( 936 ) 295-2096 www . halo . com / kelly-sims 1527 Sam Houston Avenue Huntsville
Property Management Lake Hills Business Park Byron Sandel ( 936 ) 291-1002 1027 I-45 South , Suite 1 Huntsville
Raven Property Management Eric Fugate ( 936 ) 225-4378 | ( 936 ) 337-4496 www . ravenpropertyllc . com 3006 Montgomery Road Huntsville