Huntsville Chamber 2024 | Page 43

Murray Insurance & Financial Services , Inc . Michael Murray ( 281 ) 895-7000 | ( 800 ) 695-5433 ( 281 ) 895-7100 13910 Champion Forest Dr . # 102 Houston
The Gibraltar Group - Ed Falkenstein Ed Falkenstein ( 281 ) 713-5977 www . thegibraltargrp . com 8665 New Trails , STE 190 The Woodlands
Insurance / Financial Service Ken Ross Agency - State Farm Ken Ross ( 281 ) 235-5952 www . kenrross . com 1108 Bayou Road , LaMarque
State Farm Insurance Diana K . Barnes Diana K . Barnes ( 936 ) 295-2686 | ( 800 ) 924-2687 ( 936 ) 295-1831 www . dianakbarnes . com 1227 11th Street , Huntsville
Internet Services / Telephone Communications / Cable Television Services / Security Products / Systems
Optimum Caleb Mann ( 936 ) 234-6819 www . optimum . com 1620 Normal Park Dr , Huntsville
Internet Services / Telephone Communications / Telecommunications
Tachus Fiber Internet Brooke Arnold ( 832 ) 791-1100 www . tachus . com 3831 Technology Forest Blvd ., Suite 200 , The Woodlands
Investments Gibbs Brothers & Company Ferne Frosch ( 936 ) 295-3748 1118 1 / 2 11th Street Huntsville
Janitorial Service Laura ’ s Cleaning Service Laura Cooper ( 936 ) 577-4717 Laurascleaningservices . net 6697 CR . 233 Bedias
Janitorial Service & Supplies Direct Solutions Mark Bush ( 936 ) 327-3005 ( 936 ) 327-2993 www . directsolutionstexas . com 210 Pan American Drive Livingston
Exec-U-Clean Bryan Watson ( 936 ) 441-6803 exec-u-clean . com / 7 Woody Creek Dr Conroe
Jewelry-Retail Buckner ’ s Jewelry , Inc . Ann Buckner McDuffie ( 936 ) 295-0942 1329 University Avenue , Suite C Huntsville
Elliott ’ s Jewelers Elliott Herzlich ( 936 ) 661-5363 www . elliottsjewelers . com 1300 11th Street , Suite 430 B Huntsville
Landscaping Organics - Wholesale Landscapers Pride ( 936 ) 295-2870 ( 936 ) 295-2210 www . landscaperspride . com 146 FM 2793 New Waverly
Landscaping / Irrigation Contractor
Sergio ’ s Landscaping Sergio Martinez ( 936 ) 788-1219 www . sergioslandscaping . com 2324 East Davis St . Conroe
Lumber Producer Steely Lumber Co ., Inc . Chris deMilliano ( 936 ) 295-5898 ( 936 ) 295-6737 www . steelylumber . com 1405 Southwood Dr Huntsville
Manufacturing / Industrial Zenner USA Jorge Pacheco ( 772 ) 285-1035 www . zennerusa . com /
Zinc Point Manufacturing Benjamin Sessions ( 936 ) 209-2286 www . zincpoint . com 500 Highway 19 Huntsville
Medical Supplies Day N Night Medical Supply Patrick Keller ( 936 ) 293-8799 www . daynnightmed . com 116 Medical Park Lane , Suite D Huntsville
Mental Health Services Tri-County Behavioral Healthcare Stacy Blake ( 936 ) 291-5800 www . tricountyservices . org 7405 State Highway 75 S . Huntsville
Mortgage Companies K & G Capital Mortgage Tyler McCaffety ( 936 ) 661-7618 ( 832 ) 403-2143 www . kgcm . com 1312 10th St . Huntsville
Moving & Storage Bearkat Movers Clint Reno ( 936 ) 650-4416 bearkatmovers . com 128 Royal Oaks ST Huntsville
H . E . A . R . T . S . Veterans Museum of Texas Tara Burnett ( 936 ) 295-5959 ( 936 ) 295-0714 www . heartsmuseum . com 463 State Highway 75 N Huntsville
Sam Houston Memorial Museum & Republic of TX Presidential Museum ( 936 ) 294-1832 ( 936 ) 294-3670 samhoustonmemorialmuseum . com 1836 Sam Houston Ave Huntsville