Huffington Magazine Issue 84 | Page 11

JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES Enter assessment that Pakistan was becoming a dangerous center of al Qaeda’s radicalism, compared with Afghanistan. Backing him was no less a figure than CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, who said in May of the same year that al Qaeda was no longer “operating in Afghanistan,” but rather, was “clearly ... rooted in the border region of Western Pakistan.” Of course, this all came at a time when NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, ISAF, was largely attempting to execute a counterinsurgency strategy, in an attempt to keep Afghans from LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST HUFFINGTON 01.19.14 I’m sorry to say that Secretary Gates is wrong — Vice President Biden has not had a 40-year reign of error. Not if you recall the war on Afghanistan.” falling back under the sway of the Taliban, prop up the Karzai regime, and hold whatever tenuous gains had been obtained from our misadventure in the “graveyard of empires.” Biden took a dim view of that approach as well, and he strongly advocated instead for a counterterrorism approach in Afghanistan as an alternative to the counterinsurgency-feeding troop