Huffington Magazine Issue 84 | Page 10

Enter ministration officials defended Biden’s character. Additionally, Biden is thought to be one of those figures who may be considering a run for the White House in 2016 (he is, after all, the vice president now), so much of the coverage has been of the clutched-pearls, “Ohhhh no [Gates] didn’t!” reality-teevee taunt variety. This prompted Washington Post foreign affairs blogger Max Fisher to vent about the coverage on Twitter, and rightfully so: “I have read 20+ articles on the personality politics of Gates vs Biden/Obama and zero articles on the foreign policy issues they’re debating.” So, in the interest of giving Fisher at least one article that discusses the underlying foreign policy issues, I’ll say this: While it’s swell that White House officials have taken up the matter of defending Biden’s character, they might consider defending Biden on the merits as well. Because I’m sorry to say that Secretary Gates is wrong — Vice President &