Huffington Magazine Issue 83 | Page 30

Voices How lame would it be if she’d managed, against all odds, to send a signal and I overlooked it? This anxiety over finding Kristin’s message had subsided somewhat by the fall, when my girlfriend and I headed to Greece and checked out for awhile. One day, as we were putzing around in Crete, we started talking to this woman who was raving about having just hiked Samaria Gorge, the longest gorge in Europe. It happened to be a couple hours away from where we were. We decided we should probably check it out, so we bought bus tickets to go the next day. That night, I had a dream about Kristin. I don’t remember much about it, except that I could see her vividly and I woke up feeling good. I kept thinking about it on the bus ride the next morning. I told my girlfriend about it too, and said how surprised I was to finally see Kristin in my dreams as we rolled around in Greece, so far from home. Samaria Gorge is a wild scene. You’re in a remote part of an island with hardly anybody around, just ambling your way down a mountain and through a rocky valley for 10 miles. It’s six hours JENNIFER BENDERY HUFFINGTON 01.12.14 of breathtaking scenery and concentrating on where you step so you don’t bite it on loose pebbles. That’s where my mind was when, a few miles in, we turned a corner and came across a couple of cairns. They’re little piles of r