Huffington Magazine Issue 83 | Page 29

JENNIFER BENDERY Voices nights, when I was lying in bed and thought I’d heard something in the room, I’d nervously open my eyes to see if it was Kristin standing there smiling, saying something like, “See? We did it!” I even stood alone in my kitchen once and, feeling a bit nuts, said out loud to nobody, “Okay Kristin, I’m ready. JENNIFER BENDERY Give me a sign!” And I waited. And waited. But nothing happened. As the months rolled by, I started to worry that maybe Kristin had sent me a message and I’d missed it. What if that woman at the Metro station who’d smiled and stared at me knowingly had been her, somehow? What if Kristin had stood next to my bed one night but it had been the one time I’d chosen not to open my eyes? HUFFINGTON 01.12.14 Hundreds of cairns, little piles of rocks, at Samaria Gorge in Greece.